Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chance of being admitted to Harvard?

Rank 1st in Year out of 150 students. Top Boys school in state.

Studies- 2 extension maths courses, 1 extension english course, 1 advanced english course, economics course, chemistry course.

Captain of martial arts team, gold medals from Taekwondo Tournament.

Assosciates Diploma in Trinity College of London at Piano. (High Distinction)

2 Years of Community Service on Saturdays-Teaching Mandarin to people for free.

1 year work experience at golf range

3 years work experience at Department Store.

SAT- Math 770, C.Reading 790, Writing 800.

Chance of being admitted to Harvard?
at least try

looks like u've got a good chance

you can always have a free year to extend you curriculum if u want
Reply:How bad do you want to go? If you want it to go then make it happen and step over the obstacles that might block your path. Good Luck - You can do it!
Reply:You sound like a very well qualified student, but honestly it's pretty random. Really, you're competing more with students from your school than from the nation because the colleges will only take a certain number of students from a certain area. You have to realize that the process is pretty ambiguous and their decision really doesn't say anything about you. I think you have a good shot, but really no one can ever be certain
Reply:garuntee? learn to spell

Adrenaline disorder?

this kid in my old high school has an adrenaline disorder. in this one fight 3 guys went to beat him and he beat the crap out of them. he doesnt work out much, hes only about 6'1" and skinny and he doesnt do martial arts but when he gets an adrenaline rush he gets super fast, strong and has insane reflexes. he does a shitloard of drugs but he wasnt on drugs when it happened, it happens whenever he gets an adrenaline rush. everyone says he has an adrenaline disorder and i was just wondering what it was called. thanks for reading

Adrenaline disorder?
Don't know of the medical name for it but it sounds like beserker. That's an actual condition and it seems to run in certain families, especially families of northern european heritage. I knew a guy like that, he went off on a pack of bullies with baseball bats. He took their bats away from them, broke the bats over his knee, and ran them all off with their tails between their legs. He was of celtic heritage.

Should it be illegal to encourage your children to fight back?

Several parents have been charged across America recently for encouraging their children to stand up to bullies.

One case involved a father who's son was being picked on by a group of boys in the park. The father told his son to fight them back. When this boy opened up a can of whoop-a at his father's bequest, the father was charged.

The same thing have has happened when parents tell their kids to buck up to the bullies at school. "My dad told me to fight him," results in an arrest warrant for the dad.

Do you agree that these parents should be charged with a crime, or is this just part of teaching your children to defend themselves? Will martial arts and self defense instructors be next?

Should it be illegal to encourage your children to fight back?
It's part of the emasculation of the male in American society. You can bet your last dollar that no DA prosecuting this case will let someone like me sit on the jury. Unless the parent was the one hitting the kid, I'd find "not guilty" for the defendant.


The comments of ♥Megegie♥ could not be more incorrect. I found out growing up in Detroit that bullies want you to show fear. If you stand up to them, they leave you alone. I fought one bully 3 times and on the third time, I kicked his $$$. He (and the rest of the bullies) pretty much left me alone since they knew I'd fight back.
Reply:there is no crime here. this is riduculous
Reply:They shouldn't be arrested. More like warned. If someone is driven to fight, the motive should be looked at, and if the fault lies with someone else, there's a huge problem that needs to be resolved. By going after the parents they're not doing anything, and bullying will continue.
Reply:i have never heard of this. i have always told my kids to fight back. can you provide some links to this?
Reply:Illegal, no, discouraged, yes. Bullies WANT their victims to lash out. Parents need to teach their children to walk away and tell a grown up.
Reply:of course not this is what is called the feminizing of america where the men are afraid or prevented from being men and the wimpy women think they are men
Reply:they shouldnt be charged unless they help like that lady on the school bus.
Reply:NO WAY should they have been charged, the fathers were only looking out for their sons what is wrong with that, I hope the kid put the bully in the hospital
Reply:As long as the parents are teaching their children self defense %26amp; not being a bully themselves then no, I don't think it should be illegal. Every bully should have the crap beat out of them!
Reply:No child should have to be afraid to stand up to bullying, and no parent should be guilty of anything for teaching them not too.
Reply:This is a joke. one needs to defend one's self.
Reply:No, the right to self defense should NEVER to abridged.
Reply:this is the HEIGHT of LIBERAL ignorance! why was nothing done about the kids beating on the father's son??? kids are also to blame with that no ratting CRAP. if we encourage kids to defend themselves we'd have less violence among kids and they'ed have better self esteem instead of being made to live in FEAR because LIBERAL FEMINAZIS can't make the distinction between violence and self defense. that father should sue the POLICE and the SCHOOL for allowing this gang of bullies to operate. bullies deserve ONLY a bat across the knees and to be charged as ADULTS. PERIOD. bullies are NOT victims!
Reply:It should be mandatory your kids learn to fight.

I've told all my son's the first punch they're hit with walk away. If it happens again, knock that punk to the ground

No wonder theres so many gays, good lord
Reply:What does your government teach you to do.

America is a violent country, and teaching kids to start young would be expected

(But I did advise my grandson, "one good punch to the face will end all your bully problems")
Reply:that's so freaking stupid. Teaching kids to stand up for themselves and not get beat up is NOT a crime. It SHOULD be a crime to let your children stand there and get beat up. It's not like we're teaching kids to go around beating people up, it's self defense. This is total crap. I am a 14 year old girl and have gotten into plenty of fights. My dad said it was fine to stand up for yourself, your siblings, or your friends. I did every time. My dad never got in trouble. I intend on teaching my kids to do the same. Wow, the world is just becoming one big breeding grund for idiots.
Reply:This is mere liberalism at it's finest. Children being indoctrinated by the liberal education system to be pushovers and targets, rather than defending themselves...
Reply:I mean it is wrong to fight back but teaching your kids self defense is a good thing since well kids are kids. so i hope parents aren't being charged with a crime why you ask?

because why should your children be scared of some bullies? they are the worst people in school making fun of others for their own enjoyment and their parents should get their *** beat.

Then again I would never say fight him as a parent because there are other ways to deal with problems most the time. so yeah it shouldnt be illegal to encourage your kids to fight back..
Reply:This is crazy, why aren't the parents of the bullies charged?

I taught my 2 sons to stand up for themselves, why because it builds self-confidence and when a boy grows up you want him to be a man, not a quizzling.

This country has gone to hell, you can't spank your kids and now you can't teach them to defend themselves, I don't think so.
Reply:I had not heard of those cases. I tell my kids if they get hit to defend themselves. They are never to hit first. I am not going to let them be punching bags for anyone.

It this is happening at school then the kid is to get an adult at the school involved. That I do know, but my kids have always said if they tell then they will just get picked on more for being a tattle tale. that I agree with, so I told them to have someone else tell for them and they will get called into the office anyway. But the parents should not get punished for a child defending them self.
Reply:NO, It is your obligation, to teach them to defend and protect them selves from bully

Self defense is an very important part of our life.

The Lord helps those, that defends themselves

I taught my kids how to shoot straight before they joined the Army, they got high reward's for marksmanship
Reply:This depends on the method of fighting being taught.

If your child is a pupil in any of the martial arts, then he should not be allowed to use same in fighting those not trained, other than that, go for it.

If our government can take our kids and teach them how to kill innocent civilians in illegal wars, then it should be alright to defend ones self in normal fights, with no weapons.

Standing up for your rights is normal.
Reply:Self defense all the way. Who wants to let thier child become a sheeple. You should march on to the court house and protest against those cops and prosecutor.
Reply:No it should be a crime to NOT teach your kids to fight back. As such if I am ever on a jury against a parent who told their kid to fight back at the very least they will get a hung jury.
Reply:No. I don't think the parents should be charged with a crime.

If we can suspend reality for a moment here; what SHOULD happen is that the parents of the bullying children should be charged with negligence. We should also figure out some law against "raising rotten children".

Also, the children who were bullying the other kid should be publicly embarrassed. If this happened in school, they should be forced to write an essay entitled "How I got my A*S*S* handed to me", and they should have to describe their repeated bullying, and how the other kid stood up for himself, and trounced them. The other kid should get to correct the essay, making sure none of the facts get left out, and then the bullying kid should have to stand up and read it in front of the whole school.

All of this would take place as soon as possible after the avenging incident, to insure that all cuts, scrapes and bruises are still visible- for maximum educational effect of course.
Reply:I have a six year old daughter and I have always told her that if kids at school bother or bully her, she is to tell the teacher. If the teacher does nothing, she is to tell the teacher that if the kids keep bothering her, she has a right to defend herself if she needs to. I don't encourage her to fight but I do encourage her to protect herself if need be. I would stand by her all the way and frankly don't know why the teachers or staff allow this to happen, they should be supervising the kids. But no the parents should not be arrested if it is put to the children where they are being told to protect themselves. not just to open up a can of whoop ~*ss. or beat the kid back. wording needs to be clarified.
Reply:The entire judicial system seems to be geared so as to protect the criminals in just that way anymore. I guess the law would be proud of a bunch of spineless wimps who whenever in any tight spots in life yell help, help! I personally feel that punishing those who care enough to fight back is way wrong and I will protect myself accordingly and go to jail if I must to stand upon this which I do feel strongly is wrong to the individual. Learning to be lame and let someone else fight your battles for you doesn't prove anything more than that the law is attempting to rule over us in areas best left to us to fight for ourselves. I just know that giving in to the bullies is something that goes harshly against my grain. I have taught my children to stand up for what they believe in at all times and I intend to do so as well! So take me to jail! Sentence me heavily! I will not budge with my feelings on this point!
Reply:Hell no! What's the matter with people these days? Kids are being turned into PU$$IES!!. This is Liberalism at its worst!!! Those fathers who taught their kids to fight back should be AWARDED not arrested!!

If my kid got a black eye but he managaed to stomped the kid who did it, I would be shedding tears of joy and my heart would be swolen with pride!
Reply:Well hopefully my son has the talent that I had, which is being able to psychologically tear down the bully and make him humiliate him/herself.

I will teach him that if someone swings at you, you have the right to swing back, as a matter of fact you should swing back until the other guy isn't moving. This is what makes it "self-defense" and legal.

What probably happened to that kid is that he was being picked on verbally and responded physically. I don't think that warrants arresting the father, I think kids should have to take responsibility for their OWN actions.

This is why martial artists teach self discipline and the art of knowing when it is the appropriate time to fight. Some kid getting all emotional and beating the crap out of someone because someone called him a fatty is NOT self defense.

I wouldn't worry to much. Teach your kids to kick a$$.
Reply:Yes, it should be illegal to encourage your child to fight back. I cant think of a time when walking away is not a better option.

plants flowers

What are good colleges for a teen looking for a career in network security?

Hi, iv been doing alot of research but arent really coming up with anything too useful so heres my question:

Im a sophomore in high school and searching for a good college that will help me peruse a career in network security, im not terribly brilliant so MIT probably isn't an option but im no were near average either, heres my "academic" stats:

mostly b+ to as in all of my class's (class's like s.s. i have a near perfect average in)

the only class i really lag behind in is french, im taking 3 years + the new york state regents just because it looks good, then im dropping it.(an occasionly chemistry, but overall im a good science student)

as for extra extracurriculars, iev been in wrestling/martial arts for a while now(years), and iev been working full time summers since i was 11, and am a lifeguard during the year.

PREFERABLY a college in the state of newyork, or florida, new jersey is ok too if its close.

also if anyone has the average salary/ and other stats in this profession

MMA training?

So I've been training in several different martial art forms for several years and would like to start some formal MMA training. I live in upstate NY and have had no luck with internet searches for MMA training. Does anyone know of any MMA training schools near Malone, NY.

MMA training?
I don't know where Malone is, but here is a good link for training locations in NY.

Good Luck
Reply:Apparently MMA is illegal in New York.

What counts as extracurricular activities? for UCs?

i am in a CCC and different advisors give me mixed answers

on lets say the UC application for extracurricular activities is it true that only activities that are associated to the school like clubs and student government count? - thats what one advisor told me

i thought that extracurricular activities were activities that you do other than class. i learnt music since 3 till now and have other hobbies like practicing karate all my life. it takes up quite a bit of my time and does that mean all of them don't count?

she said they are only hobbies and do not count. doesn't 17 years of dedication mean anything at all?

i thought extracurricular activities were supposed to tell the admin more about you thats more to your grades. i thought music and martial arts would show me as a more well rounded person. but if they don't count doesn't that put me in the category of... whats the technical term for it... screwed?

What counts as extracurricular activities? for UCs?
To some extent this is right. However many uni's want an overall picture of the student and want someone who is not one dimensional.

When you list yours, include all yours. Not just the ones associated with college.
Reply:Yes, you're right. Extracurricular Activities could mean being involved in clubs, sports, student body, etc, but it also includes things that take up your spare time outside of school as well!

Colleges like to see that you are dedicated and passionate about something. Since you've been learning music and karate your entire life, those are very good things to put that down under Extracurricular Activities. You get to put the hours and weeks you are involved with the activity, and colleges will like to see that even though you are actively involved with karate and music, that you were still able to maintain your GPA.

Same goes for if you've been babysitting or have been responsible for taking care of your younger sibling.... That's leadership, and that's what colleges like to see.

Lack of energy and stomach problems?

Hi, im 15 and im pretty active. I do martial arts twice a week as well as going to the gym twice a week and athletics club. Recently ive been very very low in energy, i tired increasing my calories, eating more complex carbs however this just lead to stomach problems and bloatedness and if carried on weight gain. Im always lacking in energy and my performance in school and at my sports is slipping, I feel bloated after every meal and very sluggish, my metabolism is either very active or very very sluggish. anyone been in the same position and know what the hell is wrong with me? I aapreciate any help! Id ask my docter but she kept thinking i was crazy and had an eating problem just because im a very light weight, i gurrentee im not anorexic and what im saying is true and genuine. thank you for taking the time to read this.

Lack of energy and stomach problems?
Do you get 8 hours of sleep every day? If so, it sounds like maybe you're doing too much....especially considering you have school too. If you don't have have a few hours of your day to just relax....that's why you have no energy.

Studies , guys , family , financial ?

I am studying 10 subjects .. I have a guy who is in the same school with me . Will he affect me and my studies ? i'm not sure so far he has not yet . Secondly , im planned to find a work but the schedule is kinda full . Besides i have family curfews . I also have to squeeze my netball and martial arts tranning . How ?! Help me thnks.

Studies , guys , family , financial ?
It's not just a matter of time management... it's all about priorities. Prioritize the things that are important to you. Rank your activities from the most important to the least. Do not be afraid to sacrifice some of them. It's better to do a few things excellent than do all things badly.

Only if you like to day.?

Adventure of Today 5-16-07

Ah yes. Today was fun. Fun enough to 'type' about! Woohoo! You ready? I went to Brod's house and we say this HUGE monster. It was a big blue monster with yellow spots. It said "Your *** is grassss!!!" I was like..."Your mom." So the monster slapped Brod and I went martial arts on its ***!! I punched that mofo monster in the stomach! No one messes with my best buddy! I though the blue monster was done for, as it was lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious. I was wrong. The moster got up and jabbed a big stick up my nose. My nose immediately started bleeding everwhere. Then. Brod went Super DUPER man on its *** and karate chopped it in the 'ouchy area.' The moster fell to the ground. So, I found a magical flower that heeled my nose. Then, Brod and I linked arms and walked down the driveway into "What Actually Happend Today Land."

Haha. Nice story, right? It woulda been cool and you know it. Ok, well. My story makes my fun day sound boring, but oh well. Here goes it!

Well, well, well. After school I walked to the wonderful Brod's house. No one was home. I went to the bathroom and suddenly I hear someone "singing" (Though it was really a girlish shrieking.) a Taylor Swift country song. I was giggling and I walk out with Brod in my face belting out some womanly noises. Gosh is he funny. :)

So, THEN, we left to go hang out in town. First we stuck a bag of jelly beans in his pants. Then, we put my sweater in there instead. (The jelly beans failed us.) To top that, we put some lip gloss in there too. SUDDENLY, Brod had an ENORMOUS bulge. As we walked down the street into town, Brod and I discussed how penises are natural, so it's ok to have an abnormally large one. His certainly looked like it. :P

When we got to the park, we saw people so Brod said "Touch my penis." I did...even though it was really just my sweater. Then, he pulled the sweater out of his pants. It was very funny. We quickly dodged and ran through the sprinklers to the creek. We got to the banks and Brod got in.

He went all the way in, except for his head, so I decided to as well. Burrrr! But I got used to it. We had a great time swimming around, but then I kept seeing Brod laughing his *** off at me! I looked down and saw that the water kept weighing down my shirt, and my boobs kept popping out! (Of COURSE, I had a bra on. Don't think that way, you perv!) So I got tired of it dragging around and just took my shirt off.

Oh well...I mean....who cares?! I'm totally comfortable around him anyways. :P So there I am swimming around in the beautiful weather in a bra and some jeans, with my shoes on. I thought I saw some people, so I made Brod go to our "base bank" to get my shirt. I watched him walking along the bank of the creek saying "Crawdad. Another one. Another one. Another one."...and so on. I soon enough lost attention and say an old lady up on the shore with her dog.

Picture this...I am laying here in this shallow creek in my bra and jeans, and this very elderly woman walks up with her dog. So ackwardly, I smile and say "Hi." She says hi back...though it didn't exactly seem like she wanted to.

After that, I was extremely bored, waiting for the sweet Brod to get back. I'm thinking, "wow. We sure have traveled quite a ways down the creek."

Finally, he gets back, and we continue our pointless, fun journey down the creek. We reach shallow spots, rocky spots, and muddy spots. Then...we reach this little island with a willow hanging over it. How nice. :) We sit for a while and then, take off, further and furter down the creek.

Brod spots a bright red rose, floating in the water. He grabs it and sets it back in the water. A sign or a warning?

I know what you're thinking...hurry up and tell us something EXCITING, Tasha! Gosh! I'm just gonna stop reading. Here's what I have to say to you. HOLD YOU HORSES! I'M GETTING THERE!

"Yeah...we're kind of far? Wanna stop?" Brod asked.

"Yeah. I think so."

"Oh look how calm and nice it looks over there?"


"There!" He points.


"Yes! There."

"Hm....let's go." I suggest.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah. I don't really care. We can get back later."


So we take off like two excited, bored teenagers in a creek in Eagle Point do! :P On our way to the spot, Brod finds this huge rock and starts sliding on it. "Weeee!"

Then, we get to the calm, inviting swimming hole. It was very nice. Brod goes all the way under water, gets up, and does the Little Mermaid flippy hair thingy. I laugh, go under water, and do the whale flippy thingy.

Brod spots some gnarly rapids.

"Let's go!" ...idiot says. (JP)

"Nah...I'll wait here and watch.:

So Brod floats down to the rapids. He holds onto a rock in the middle of them and his eyes get all huge. I stand up and give him a thumbs up. He shakes his head no. Oh ****. So then I go over there.



Ok, an idiot, I make the story more exciting than it actually is. GOSH. What is it with me??? :P

So I walk over there, through the water, and I'm thinking, "This isn't so bad. Why is he down there squirming like a baby?"

"Grab my hand!"

"I CAN'T!!" he yells back.

Then...I fall. Boy did I FALL! I was immediately, swiftly carried away by the rush of water. I try desperately to grab onto rocks. That didn't exactly work. My head goes under water, and I get back up. "Ohh ****. I'm going to die," I think to myself. That's when I start SCREAMING to Brod. "HELLLPPP MEE!!!!!!!! I CAN'T STOP!! BROD HELP ME!!!" It was the scariest thing that had ever happend to me. I attempt to grab onto a stick, and am pulled off of it by the rushing water. A big rock jabs me in the butt. I didn't even care. By then, my adrenaline was at an all-time high. I am still screaming murder, and I grab onto a root.

I became Steroid Lady and hold on for dear life, glancing at the big rocks and the BIGGER rapids ahead. My arms are holding onto the root, and the rest of my body is on the other side of this island. Somehow, I pull myself up onto it. I am totally shaken. I had just escaped death. It is NOT a fun experience. So I am on the island, feeling sick with relief.

Then, I remember...Brod. Still holding onto the rock. I look up and see some people on their porch. They had obviously came out at my retarded screaming my *** off. Then...of course, I scream my *** off again. "BROD NEEDS HELP!! HELP HIM PLEASE!!!" Mofos. They just stand there. Staring at me. Like mofos. They are mofos.

"Brod! Let go. I will catch you."


So I go up on the island so I can get on the main land and help him from the shore. I'm halfway to the mainland, and he can't hold on anymore. He lets go. Steriods Woman comes back and runs down to where I got back up.

Lucky Brod. He starts laughing and smiling, then his eyes get really big again. He seems to be where I was. He doesn't go through much trouble, though, as the water takes him on a different route and he just kind of floats up to the island. I help him up.

We get back to the main land, and we're totally freaked. I'm feeling sick still, my *** hurts, I'm running my mouth like a nervous fool, and Brod is vibrating like a cell phone.

We sit at the shore for a bit to regain our sanity, and then we decide to get back to base. Brod takes the water route. I want nothing to do with it, and take the land route.

A big dog tried to eat me, so I ran to the water, and the rest is history.

Only if you like to day.?
i wish i had a day like tht ^_^
Reply:Thats a long day.

flowers gifts

If your were an animal,sweet,fruit,celeb,book and biulding what would it be?

i myself would like to be the following:



celeb-jet li(i love martial arts movies)

book-none(i don't like reading but i thought i would ask)

biulding-taj mahal(its such a beautiful biulding)

also here are some links to some music from a game called tekken tell me what you think of it aswell

If your were an animal,sweet,fruit,celeb,book and biulding what would it be?
Animal - scorpion

Sweet - Jelly babies

Fruit - Strawberrys

Celeb - Posh

Book - Roald dahl

Building - Canary wharf
Reply:Animal - dormouse

Sweel - anything soft-centred

Celeb - Morrisey

Book - Love Story

Building - Shakey Bridge
Reply:animal: lynx

fruit: pear

celeb: none

book: the horse and his boy by C.S.Lewis

building: Notra Dame.
Reply:Animal - tiger

Fruit - Plum

Celeb - none, happy being me thanks

book - I would be Jane Austen

Building - Houses od Parliment, just to see all the secret paths etc!
Reply:Animal - penguin

Fruit - kiwi

Celeb - Kate Moss

Book - The definitive book of body language

Building - Edinburgh Castle

Pink shrimps...


Johnny Depp....

Reach for the sky...

Beach side villa.......

Whats a good way to get into sports?

i want to get into some sports, but im not good at baseball, basketball, football, golf, or any of the other sports my school offers. dont get me wrong, i lift weights and bike around my neighborhood to stay in shape, but i just want to actively participate in sports. i thought about taking martial arts and gymnastics for flexibility. any suggestions?

Whats a good way to get into sports?
hey i completely feel where you are coming from i am horrible at all those sports aswell but about 4 years ago i discovered rollerblading and its the greatest thing you could ever do you meet tons of people from all over doing it. The sport is still very much underground but is coming up alot in the recent years. I am not talking about regular rollerblading but what most people know it as aggressive skating.

if you have time check out this website it can tell you alot more or give you an idea of what im talking about.

hope i helped any ...aslo with extreme sports i guess you could call them you dont have anyone telling you what to do you are the coach and can make your own schedule.
Reply:you shoul pick soccer thats the best sport in world thats mad easy so thats your choice

good luck bye
Reply:Gymnastics is great and so is martial arts. If you'd really like to join then go right ahead. Also have you ever though of track? Throwin, running, jumping. There's a great many things you can do on the track team. And its also a great team sport.


Toe injury!!?


I jammed my toe about 3 weeks ago... It hurt realy rely bad. I put ice onabout after 15 mins, and i did nothing else, day 2 i put wet cloth on my finger about every 4 hours for 15mins.

day 3 i started putting ice and for every 2 hrs every 15 mins and put it on soft pillow because it was swollen badly... the next day i went to the doctor and he told me not to play sports and rest for about 2-3 weeks. So he wrapped it with a bandage and i just rested for avout 4 days, i didnt play sport. So after i took off the cast, i played sports only a little bt (in school with my shoes), and now, it is still not healed and hurts when i jump and hit it a little bit hard... its warmer and bigger than the other one.. So should i continue to play sports or should i just rest till it heals totally?



Toe injury!!?
Tape your hurting toe to the one next to it for support and then do what your doctor tells you if you want to feel better. Otherwise, go about your business like you have and it won't stop hurting.
Reply:duh is 2-3 weeks up ?
Reply:My son broke his big toe on Sept 4 and had to wear a walking boot for 4 weeks, couldn`t practice football or anything. You need to do what the Doctor said, no matter what. That is the only way it will heal. My son was released after 4 weeks and he played in a football on October 6 and was fine. But only because he done what the Doctor said.

Can I make it to Cal-Tech? When is the Best Time for me to apply?

I am a freshmen in high school, take all advanced courses, receive all A's in all of my classes, I do martial arts (for 10 years), volunteer at the hospital, and in drama club. My teachers love me and I am have the highest grade in all of my IT Networkings class. I am part black, white, and native american. I also live on the East coast. I really want to go to CalTech. When is the best time for me to apply? What's the chance of me getting a scholarship? Any tips on how to get more information since I live in the other side of the country?

Can I make it to Cal-Tech? When is the Best Time for me to apply?
You need to call up Cal Tech and ask them these questions. I called Johns Hopkins University Admissions Deparment for my daughter and this is what I was told:

They said they "look" at the 9th grade scores, but they don't calculate those scores when they figure out your GPA. They look at your grades in only CORE ACADEMIC CLASSES (sciences, English, social studies, math, maybe foreign language, I'm not sure) for grades 10 and 11 and half of 12th grade when they decide who to admit. They add up all the grades for the core classes, take the average and that is your GPA that they work with. 90-100 is an A, 80-90 is a B, etc.

Want to know what else they said?

Only 21% of the applicants are accepted.

They look to see if you took the hardest courses offered at your school.

Did you have leadership roles in all of your after school activities?

75% of the kids admitted to JHU have a GPA between 3.7 and 3.8

They like to see volunteer work and good letters of recommendation from your teachers, but the high school transcript is the most important thing. If that doesn't look good, nothing else matters. They don't want to hear about potential, they want to see what you have done.

Typical ACT score of those students who are admitted: 30-34 composite (top score is 36)

Typical SAT score of admitted students: 1350-1500 in the old SAT (top score was 1600 then)(800 in math and 800 in English is top score on old SAT)

The lady in Admissions said that they don't really care much if you made National Merit semi-finalist in your state. They said a lot of students who apply to their university made National Merit on the PSAT in the 11th grade. But Johns Hopkins cares much more about how hard your classes are and what grades you got in them.
Reply:Having gone through the Caltech process myself perhaps I can help. Apply early action your senior year. Freshman year is too early to tell your chances. It's good that your taking advanced courses and doing well, but if you don't get a 2200 SAT (with an 800 math), it will be tough. Report It

Reply:I'm running out of space, so e-mail me at and I'll give you some more tips. Report It

Reply:IT Networking is a high school course now? Cool. When I was in high school, we studied Basic. And that was only 8 years ago.

You apply to colleges the fall before you plan to attend - so fall of your senior year in high school. Deadlines are usually late Dec to early Jan. If you really want to get in, figure out what you're interested in as a major / possible career and find a way to spend your summers working towards it - get an internship or summer camp or work or something that will make it obvious that you are serious about your plans and already know quite a bit about the field. Good luck!
Reply:Your junior year is usually spent investigating different colleges. Perhaps by then you will have another favorite college.

In your senior year, you apply between September (for early decision) or by November/December for regular decision.

I would go for early decision so you have a better chance at financial aid.

Good Luck.



I have this problem at school where one naughty boy keeps harrassing me and just a few days back he had pushed me hard from at the back and I went mad at him I was going to fight him but I was stopped by my classmates. Later that naughty kid had come back with two of his naughty friends and were provoking me to fight them so it was one, me, against three, the devils, but I eventually escaped then after school was over.

What do you think I should do to them, beat them up ( IT WONT BE EASY FOR ME TO TAKE ON THREE ) that they will remember it for life and fear me or something else ? ( although I dont know martial arts )

Be polite and reasonable. Don't provoke them. What they want from you? First answer this. If this is not a thing that you can do or give, explain them the reason. If they don't believe in you, keep it saying again and again. Compromise is a good way. Even if you were stronger than them compromise should have come first. Don't gain their hostility, solve this question within your capabilities first. If they dont give up their antagonism, keep being polite and reasonable. Dont seem as the provoking side. And you will find the support within your firends, then the school management. But if you fight with them then you will have the possibility to have unluckiness of being assesed with them. If you still polite, reasonable, have a vision of problem-solver but cant find the support from the friends and the school management thyen as a last solution find some Rambos from your relatives or close friends, maybe they can solve your problem. But dont forget fight is easy but damages everything but politeness is fruitfull, comes from nothing but brings everything with it.
Reply:most bullies are just looking to be in the spot light just keep some of your friend around and ignore him if he gets to bad tell a teacher
Reply:first of. i'm not a "master", just someone who has trained his whole life to be able to win any fight without a gun (i beat my tie-quan-do (if thats how u spell it or not) master once, and a tie-chi black belt). hoenstly any martial artist will tell u the art is for self defence only.

ok, first things first. there are many methods to fighting, i'm just going to tell u grapleing since that is the foundation of some of the most powerful moves. first thing u need to learn is how to dodge, if they trow a punch, go on the outside of their bodys when the arm is extended, grab the arm, and continue around there back, be carful unless u wana break there arm (then u put ur arm at their elbow and pull). but your best bet is to get them to beat eachother up. most of grapleing is using ur oponents momentum to your advantage. thats why every martial art has trows. and there fun when u get them on the ground and place ur foot on their throught. but basicly dip dodge move, get out of there way, let them f*ck themselves up, trow punches at key area's, and remember to grab what they trow (fist, feet, objects) to use that against them. my only other peice of advice is get some training.
Reply:become a movie star where everything is possible.
Reply:please dont be foolish every dog has its day and even the biggest dog knows how to run if he is out numbered if thay gang up on you its true thay are in fear of you to fight you one on one if you have no way but to fight even out the ball game and git you some buds to back you up or try my fav move it works best git them one by one and beat that ***. good luck
Reply:You , and only you will know when it is time to fight listen to your heart, and mind. If you do not have to fight do not. If you must you strike desicively upon first attack , taking no more time than a second on each of your attackers you will have the advantage. Gorrilla type warfare.
Reply:Don't fight them. Violence begets violence. Perhaps the naughty kid needs help. You should report the child to an adult (teacher or parent).
Reply:If they hit you, you have every right to hit them back. But remembert not to get agressive, only hit back in self-defense,
Reply:i agree with noute.. if someone attacks you it is your right to fight back and defend yourself..

however if there is one imparticular that is the bully and the others are following him i'd suggest that you approach him and tell him if he wants a piece of you to take it to the ring.. there are plenty of boxing gyms or dojos that if you explain the situation would allow you to use their sparring gear to settle this conflict.

if the only way he's going to leave you alone is by fighting him, then do it this way.. it's better this way because it will be one on one and you'll have witnesses and gear so no one will get really hurt. and then you can leave it all in the ring.

if it becomes too much to handle DO NOT i repeat DO NOT hesitate to seek help from a school administrator or councilor.. bullying is a big problem in schools today and should not be taken lightly by anyone...

hope this helps and gets resolved soon!

~*good luck*~

flower arrangements

Freestyle wrestling in your 20's?

I wrestled in high school for 2 years. Never made varsity due to state champs in my weight class. I was still pretty good and won a lot of matches when I was the underdog. Well..I'm 26 now, a little out of shape for wrestling, but my desire to wrestle is still very much strong. My question is if there is any kind of wrestling and competitions for people in my position. I'd get back in mental and physical shape of course but it seems like after high school, they don't have anything like that in my age bracket. I lost all my medals, letter jacket, pictures, etc. in a fire so I have nothing to show my achievements and I want that back so bad. Can anybody help?? If there is no wrestling for me, what is the closest martial arts to wrestling and please tell me a bit about it? Thankyou.

Freestyle wrestling in your 20's?
try jiu-jitsu..there are so many places poppin' up nowadays. it's a little different, but pretty cool. you will definitely appreciate the sport (jiu-jitsu) and your wrestling instincts that you bring to the table.

like the other mentioned, if you have no-gi wrestling, go for that. i think that would be more similar if anything.
Reply:i don't know if it's still goin but they were trying to do a real pro wrestling with freestyle and greco roman wrestling teams other than that yeah training for MMA stuff might be the way to go with all the UFC promoting on tv an all
Reply:Try no-gi grappling. The objectives are a bit different than wrestling, but I grapple with a lot of ex-wrestlers who seem to love it. The objective is to get your opponent to 'tap out' or 'submit'. Think of 'mercy' from when you were a kid. It focuses on joint locks, pain compliance, chokes etc. to get your opponent to give up.

There are amateur competitions as well that you might find interesting. Here's a link to a video that shows no-gi grappling.
Reply:There is Judo, Sambo, Shuai Chiao (chinese grappling), Mongolian Wrestling. There should be at least ONE of those styles near enough to you to look into....
Reply:Im from ohio and there are alot of open tournament all year long and they kinda cater to ppl out of high school. i wrestled in a freestyle tournament and the rules are a lot differant than high school i was kinda learning them right up until i got on the mat. being in the marines we do a lot of grappaling so if you cant find any tournaments check into that.
Reply:Check with a YMCA or just ask the local HS coach if you could work out with the team. Most coaches would be very happy to have help

Need to learn how too fight. Could anyone with any type of fighting experience teach me?

Im 16, and i'd like to know how to defend myself. There is alot of people in my school who try and fight others for no reason. And sometimes fights can't be avoided. :( A week ago 2 guys from my school came up to me during gym in the locker room when everyone was in the gym. They was pushing me around and i finally pushed back.. I ended up getting messed up pretty bad.. and this was only by one of them. the other guy just stood back and watched. So please if any of you are willing to work with me on teaching me how to fight let me know ( Such as Martial arts, Karate, boxing, wrestling or just fighting experience that you think would help me ). It would really mean alot to me.. just once i wish I could give a bullie what he deserves.

Need to learn how too fight. Could anyone with any type of fighting experience teach me?
The bully isn't too big - it is that your confidence is too small.

Don't you pick fights either. What goes around comes around. Bullies aren't looking for a fair fight they are looking for a victum and they've probably been a victum themselves, but if you kick their shin with the inside of your shoe as hard as you can that pretty much takes all of the fun out of it for the bully, but don't stop until they beg for you to stop or else they might hurt you. A single kick isn't enough! You gotta unwind with everything you got! If someone draws back with their hand, to strike you - move in at the same time and palm strike a jab below his nose or chin so that he is struck before he could possibly hit you. Knee strikes are powerful strikes. There are no fair fights. I would advise you to avoid a fight. Rather than pushing back, just say that you are "too busy," and leave! The element of surprise is what you need to overwhelm your prey. If he insists strike all out without threat or warning. Don't stop until he does! Often with kids a fight is a test.

You don't need a martial art to attack someone, however I would advise Jujitsu and boxing as the two best first choices to start with to learn muscle memory for countering your enemy's attacks. Get a speed bag and a heavy bag to aquaint your hands to punching and develop hand eye coordination. Follow my link for more info!
Reply:Go to an MMA/boxing gym. Join your HS wrestling club. Take Judo.

Honestly, not many of us are qualified instructors. If you want good self-defense, go to a qualified school.
Reply:Just aim for the giblets and run.
Reply:Well, I used to be in your shoes, you're definitely going in the right the direction. Associate with boxers, martial arts guys or tougher guys who protect the underdog. If you're father is around (for quick learning) practice with him, an older brother, friends. Look for Bruce Lee's Fighting Method books, if you don't have money to get into a Training School. Books of course are not as good as having a teacher and fellow practitioners though, but better than nothing. Remember the more hours you put into practice the more adept you become.

And try to avoid the "rough areas" and "rough hours" if possible until you've cultivated some skill. Also let an adult know about this type of situation.

If you were in my hometown, I'd teach you, I know how it feels.
Reply:Ya, I agree with Orestes. Try Krav Maga, San Soo, Penjet Silat, or Arnis. These all work to the street as they focus on destroying your opponent with attacks to the vulnerable spots, when to apply them, and how to get out of weakened/ambushed positions. I was a bouncer for 6 years and got to see some pretty hairball things go down. I also had the same type of trouble when I was your age (weighed in at 89 pounds). Learning how to move/position yourself, where to strike a person, and what tools to use can not only help you survive encounters, but give you the confidence to keep those jack a$$es wondering. If you have other questions feel free to contact me at Good luck little brother.
Reply:The only reason that these kids are picking on you is because they think you are an easy target and that you wont fight back! It's good that u did finally stand up for yourself and maybe they will pick someone else next time if they no that you ain't gona just let them do it! With that said everyone is right when they say to only fight if you have to! It has only been 7 years since I finished high school and I know how tough it can be! Some people want to test and try to make you look like a "punk"! If you let someone "punk you out," then everyone will mess with you cuz they think that you won't do anything about it! You have got to stand up for yourself cuz if you don't nobody else will! Now I'm not telling you to fight, but you gota let them see that you ain't gona take them pushing you around! Don't jump up and thump someone just cuz you think that they looked at you wrong either. If a guy starts messing with you, you should try to walk away (that is your safest and best bet)! If he puts his hands on you, then you need to show him and everyone else that you ain't having it! You will get more respect that way and like I said, bullies are looking for easy targets! They don't want to fight, they just want to make themselves feel good and embarass and torrment some kid that is not a fighter!!

Here is a good book about self defense!

They have the entire book posted on the site!

Its by Geoff Thompson and it is called Dead or Alive!

He talks about how to not be seen as such an easy target as well as giving you many techniques to use if you have to defend yourself!

If you post your email address I have more information that I will send you, but you really should go check out this book!

Good Luck


PS. That is good information in the post above mine!
Reply:I can relate...when people picked on me, im usually the first to hit, meaning the problem is within me not with others...when I took Kempo I got strong and fit and confident in myself, when the same people picked on me, calling me names and getting punched a few times became nothing, kempo training is much harder than any punches or names a random bully will ever throw at you, as much as I could have attacked him with a few light strikes to his eyes and groin area, I didnt...becoz then I realised that the bully doesnt have a problem with me, he has a problem with himself, I started to see things from his angle...inside he was a coward and weak, his parents probably abuse him, either that they have a mental condition....

but yeah, try walking up with your head high and be proud that you pushed he knows you have a limit, it makes him think that if he breaks the limit you might "snap" push back a little harder next time it happens, and if you got a beating get stronger and fitter, an easiest way to do this is through martial arts, and you get to have some fun along the way.

oh yeah if there are girls around, quickly pull his pants down, even if you got a beating after it, people will think youre a hero, and if u did get beat up...people will start to think that the guy is a jerk

Very troubled friend.....My friend recently got divorce after 17 yrs of marriage. She was physically abused.?

My friend along with her daughter r taking martial arts and daughter have used it against her mother. I spoke to my friend about my concerns, but she always defends her daughter's actions..

The daughter have been home schooled all her life. This home school system allows her to advance to the next grade whether she's ready or not. At 15, she's already a senior. Her mother still helps her with homework and grades her test. Her education level is about of an 8th grade. She's planning on attending college fall of 2008. I'm afraid going to college should be out of the question. The only social life she has is her youth group which she only started a year ago. And mother has informed me she might take classes with her daughter to help her out.

My friend, still bitter about the divorce, bad mouths her ex and the other woman which starts the fight with her daughter. I tell my friend not to call her kid a B**** but her kid calls her SL**. They refuse counseling. What else is there?

Very troubled friend.....My friend recently got divorce after 17 yrs of marriage. She was physically abused.?
There's not much you can do about this dysfunctional family. If the state allows that level of home-schooling you can't help that the child will be unprepared for college. Hopefully when the child goes to college she can get counseling. She will probably be completely lost and won't thrive without her mother doing everything for her. I've read more than one question on here from kids who were homeschooled all their lives and have no clue how to socialize once they get to college. Warts and all, there are benefits to the classroom situation.
Reply:Take your nose out of their business.
Reply:make her seek a psychiatrist and stay with her step by step
Reply:You lost me in the end.
Reply:they made the choices now they live with them. As for you if you dont like the situation and it puts you in a bad spot being with them you need to distance yourself from all that crap and go on with your life. you cant help those that dont want it.
Reply:The mom might need to back out of the daughter's life. If she is going a community college or state college, there are support systems there to help. College is all about socializing. High school is hard but college is easier.

The friend needs to take the divorce class/counseling where the main topic is raising a healthy kid despite divorce. Bad mounthing the ex is a MAJOR issue. Kids cannot help but take sides in that situation. Have the mom take a college course in child psychology if it covers divorce, otherwise a course on family or social psychology if she does not want to commit to counseling...
Reply:She needs prayer and counsiling take her to church with you and the daughter who by the way thinks she is grown your freind has to learn how to set bounderies she is the child and your freind is a adult and as far as her child going off to school at 15 unacceptable thats a license to go buck wild which will eventually lead to fallure
Reply:I truly don't understand what is going on here. No matter what they will always be mother and daughter and you will always be on the outside looking in, just make sure the glass is clean. God Bless.

People who are weaker than me I bully them physically but people that are stronger i bully them verbally?

In school even the smallest and weakest people arent afraid of me they bully me verbally so i do the same to bigger and stronger guys but when it gets phisical i hit them to make them stop[hiting them in the eyes or nose]or if im no match i run or retreat but with weaker people i push them,throw them,and twist there arm only but not punish them.Here is a example of them bullowing me verbally they say im a black belt in martial arts so i get scared and think what if its true.They miss with me pychologically by words only even strong people do the same with me.Im the only one in school to use my hand.My parrents get angry they say cowards do that so i tell them in the wild predators find easy and weak prey.I fight back to both strong and weak but i dont pick on some one for know reason.How does that sound like?does it mean im a bully and a coward like my parrents say?coz i feel im standing up for my self.

People who are weaker than me I bully them physically but people that are stronger i bully them verbally?
I understand that people can be brutal and test you to your limits but I suggest you stop focusing on them and what you

think they'll do next. If you change your thoughts and follow up with the right action of just walking away, pretty soon they'll stop targeting you to try and get you worked up. They'll eventually go away seeing that you have no desire to stoop to their level anymore. I hope you stop hitting people and start ignoring them. I wish you the best...I really do.
Reply:Jo j,

Control your own circumstances. Focus ONLY on people you really care for. Jerks will start leaving you alone %26amp; you'll be happy. Happiness starts from within %26amp; when you are happy, you'll become a human magnet for only happy people around you. This advice is valueable. Hugs~ Report It

Reply:people like you are the reason why we have wars in the first place
Reply:i believe your absolutely pathetic, and have no friends. being a bully is disgusting and repulsive. get a life.
Reply:Yes I kinda agree. If u bully those who are weaker than you then ur both a coward and a bully. What you do is ridiculous. Be someone who can be respected rather than be feared.; U get more people to stop bullying u by the strength of ur principles rather than using the strenght of ur arms. If u get bullied by someone... Surely u know how those you hurt feels.
Reply:You naughty child. Don't do either.

Some day you Will do the wrong thing to the right person and either you will end up Injured or in the Lock-Up.

And if you continue to, I hope it is soon, so you learn your lesson sooner rather than later.

Why don't you try bullying the principle, Now there's a dare!
Reply:Try using words, most of the time, that kills people worse than fighting, as you can see from your own experience, but if we didn't have fighting people we would be the most wussy country out there. Rich people make wars, not bullies, they just usually write tickets.
Reply:i say theres a better way of handling issues rather than fighting physically or verbally abusing some1 kindly stop and instead face the pple who bully you and or talk about it to a teacher you hav no bizness fighting with other kids and you wont solve anything
Reply:i'm glad i don't go to your school, how can you sleep at night?
Reply:Just stop it, silly boy
Reply:Take some time to reflect on the Golden Rule (Don't do unto others what you do not want to be done unto you) and you'll know why you're being in this sort of trouble in the first place.
Reply:All bullies are COWARDS who really feel bad about THEMSELVES.

And if you try to be smart with me i don't care.

World traveler seeking advice.. what should i do with my life?

I am 24, and have been traveling the world the last six years. Just after I graduated high school, I hit the road and began a long and interesting adventure around the planet. I am in Taiwan now, as The journey is coming to an end, and i am looking back wondering what i have to show for all my time, working and living in all these different countries. The answer; not a lot. Most of the time, I would teach English as a second language for an income, but I know that it's not what i want to do for the rest of my life. Then I picked up martial arts, trained rigorously and started competing in international MMA (ultimate fighting)events. But as a career choice its a hard life and the reward is minimal, and also, I can only compete for so long, before I am too old. I have been an avid percussionist. Playing drums has been a passion of mine since I was 13, and i have been playing in various groups all the while. But still I am broke, with no plan. What shoud i do? Too late for school?

World traveler seeking advice.. what should i do with my life?
Lucky you. Seem although maybe not moneywise, you have had some interesting time..

The easiest way would be to fall in love in a way you would make the world stop turning for her/him..

But another reasonable good idea is to go back to study.

Ever thought of becoming a biologe- photographer in the Serengeti dessert? A field-reporter overseas? A personal buyer for the rich and famous? All these things exist and it might be nice to get trained for something. Studying can be a lot of fun, give it some time to find out what might get you interested for more than a short while. Use your imagination. Start from the weirdest ideas and look for who's working in it, what they earn etc. Talk with profesionals. You have been travelling 6 years, you can have one more planning you a future..

Key word here INFORM YOURSELF. You'll see, doing so will lead you to something.
Reply:please don't laugh at what Im about to recommend; but you should seriously consider astrology; having your horoscpe done by a professional or any of the many excellent websites online..there is a brance of astrology that deals with vocational guidance....they need your name, date and time of birth, and can either email or snailmail your report...please consider this; what have you got to lose? you will learn more about yourself, your inner nature, the things you qualify for as far as type of work, vocation, profession, etc..please give it a try and keep an open mind!! email me if you like with any further questions...good luck...............

What extracurricular activities, if any should I participate in?

I am going to be a Junior in high school this fall. I have played football since 7th grade and have wrestled since I was 5 years old. My family has moved and from what I've heard and the little I have experienced the coaches at my new school are unfair and mean. By this I don't just mean they push us to achieve more, they are just jerks. My family went on vacation to see family and do work on our unsold house and the coaches gave me a lot of crap about it because I missed offseason workouts.

My college is payed for because of a state schoolarship program I will qualify for with my grades and already completed community service, assumming my SAT scores are as good as my PSAT scores indicated they would be.

My neighbor is a martial arts instructor and if I obtain a job, I could easilly pay for the lessons.

Any advice would be helpful......

What extracurricular activities, if any should I participate in?
i suggest you do some form of community service. example: work in a local hospital or join a club in school. BE A LEADER AND A PERSON WHO MAKES A DIFFERENCE!
Reply:I dont know a bout this one. i try to coorpirate with my p.e coach. i took karate and its pretty cool. sorry i dont know

At what age did you start sports and other activities for your child?

My son is 3 years old. He's done the infant mommy and me singing/art/gymboree type classes. At age 2 years, he was in toddler soccer which went way over his head (seemed geared for 3-4 year olds).

I'd like to put him in different activities, but I don't want to pressure him or overwhelm him. So I'm a little curious. At what age did you start your kids on the following activities, if any at all?


Music Lessons

Sports lessons (Tennis, golf, soccer, etc)

PeeWee/Little League (football, baseball, etc.)

Martial Arts (karate, kung fu, etc.)

Anything else?

I have a 5 year old niece who's been in swimming and karate since the age of 3 and tennis since age 4. So at age 5, in addition to kindergarten, she's in swimming, tennis, and karate. And her mom wants to put her in piano classes. To me that seems like a lot...3-4 extra curricular activities in addition to school at age 5? Is that normal?

How much is too much (or too little)?



At what age did you start sports and other activities for your child?
I think your niece is involved in a bit much. Most of the parents at my daycare have a rule of thumb, one activity per season. Kids can try 4 things per year and nto be overwhelmed and give their all at each one.

My daughter will start Swimming this spring (age 2) and dance next fall/winter (2.5). Until she is a little older, that is all she will participate in.
Reply:Pick one activity - yes, your niece is involved in way too much - she needs her downtime and time just to play. Most activities have age limits so you can't start too young but at the age of 3, they can start dance - at age 4 they can start soccer and T ball - just not more than one at a time.
Reply:We started dance class with my daughter when she was 3. My son started Tball when he was 4. They are 5 and 7 now and still participate in those activities as well as a children's program like Scouts at our church. We've also played around a little bit w/golf on and off since they hit the age of three. We are now considering martial arts for our son.

I generally try to keep it at two activities at a time for each of them. It's important that kids be well rounded, but to me getting their education is the most important. When their little minds get too cluttered up w/activities, how do they focus on school? Not to mention games running late, not getting to bed on time, etc that you tend to run into w/too many activities.
Reply:my neice who is about to be five is in swimming, soccer, and dance. personally, if they have enough energy and ENJOY it, then let them experience new things! i would limit a 3 year old to 2-3 activities.
Reply:I don't think a 3 yr old needs to be in any activities at all. Maybe a play group once a month. Why rush them into all that stuff? Let them be kids.

I didn't start any of my boys until age 5 and that was T-ball.

whoever said 2-3 activities for a 3 yr old, that is crazy. That could be 3-4 nights a week! That is way too much scheduling for a child that age.
Reply:I think too much or too little depends on you and what you feel is important to your child. I have a step sis to has her kids in private school along with 4 activities each ..i personally think thats too many for my child and my family. I personally do not want to spend all our weekends and free time in the car at activities. I also feel kids grow up too fast and need some free time to be kids and occupy themselves a bit. All kids can't be super stars at all things so I would personally pick 1 thing he/she is good at and enjoys and go with that for now!

Requirments needed in order to become an Ontario Provincial Police Officer?

I am interested in becoming an O.P.P officer post-highschool.

I am in grade 12, and more recently decided to lean towards law instead of journalism, which was my previous aspiration. I found it would be too boring for my personality. I have always been interested in becoming a police officer, but now that I am willing to do what ever it takes, I need to know more about the requirments. I am soon setting up a co-op placement through my school, and I believe I will go onto univeristy to major in criminology. I am also going to return to martial arts, (as I was a martial artist for approx. 6 years) because of the fitness testing. Is there anything else I need to pursue my future aspiration?

Requirments needed in order to become an Ontario Provincial Police Officer?
Check it all out here................ good luck to you in your quest for a law enforcement career!

Recently Single....again?

Long story g/f of 4 years, we broke up in back togther in July. I understood that if we got back togther it wouldnt be for a short period or soon as school started again.....same problems....and we broke up again. I went to her school, and kinda verbally roughed up a guy that was causing some **** in our relationship....and gave her stuff back. I'm really upset that she broke up with me, begged me back, and just broke up with me again 2 months later.

I'm not as emmotionally upset as in March....but please give me some advice? I'm 23 in my last year of university....what should I focus on? I joined a martial arts club, and I planned a trip to europe after graduation....are these the right things to do?

Thanks everybody!

p.s. the reason for the breakup was same problem, school = stress = not enought time for a i was jealous of a new guy friend.

Recently Single....again?
hang it up buddy. Let the woman come and find you. Go out and enjoy the things you like to do. Your still young yet go out and have some fun. Don't have long relationship but little short ones. You will like the outcome a lot better then a long relationship. Go out with the guys and enjoy yourself for a while and let the girl come to you next time. Never go back always move forward. Second times never work! Good luck!

Trying to gain muscle, is working out in the morning important?

I did martial arts when I was about 12 and I'm starting back up again (I'm almost 16 now). Right now I go for 2 hours a night 2 times a week from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Then I go to bed at 9 and get up early in the morning to do weight lifting the next day.

The problem is when I get to a higher rank my classes will switch to 7-9, so I won't be getting the 8 hours of sleep I need if I get up early in the morning (I know sleep is very important). I was thinking of doing my weight lifting when I got home from school. Will that effect my results? Does working out in the morning effect how effectively you gain muscle? I'm not looking to loose fat. I just started eating about 15-20 grams of protein before my workouts (weight lifting, not martial arts) and having 35-45 grams after.

By the way, I eat as healthy as I can. Stay away from junk food, pop, sports drinks, perservites, artificial flavoring, high frucose corn syrup, and eat organic as much as I can.


Trying to gain muscle, is working out in the morning important?
when you work out you tear your muscles tear, forcing them to heal by making muscle tissue, making you stronger. you need to rest every other day so the muscle tissue can grow back and get bigger.

alternate exercises so your muscles get a fuller workout.

it is good to feel the burn but dont push yourself so hard that you overdo it. when you first start working out your body has to ajust to what your doing forcing it to build more muscle mass. after two to three weeks you should put on more weights(about 5-10 lbs per 1-2 weeks) so your body doesnt get acustomed to what youre doing, making your workout less effective.

In the morning, before you eat breakfast is best time to work out. Keep blood in the body and out of the intestine And then eat a good clean protein and plenty of liquid. there is a chemical in your brain that is triggered in the morning

helping you gain muscle.

gecko juice
Reply:It's probably healthier to work out then rather than at night. But I don't see any harm in it as long as you know what you're doing.
Reply:No I dont think so. If you arent worried about loosing weight, than no you should still be gaining muscle.
Reply:No !!! You have to sleep at least 8 hours a day !!!!

And working out in the morning is bad !! that's because your body is still in a catabolic status meaning it will break muscle fibers in order to feed himself !!

You have to eat well on the morning and only when you'll get the protein ,carbs ,etc.. things you need only than you can workout !

Hope I helped you - Your 1st source 2 muscle mass

Don't worry short guys. being short is a blessing in disguise!!!!!?

I am physically fit and muscular but I have been short all my life (five foot three). Yes, my friends did let me know I was the short one in the group during the school years. However, being short has given me more drive to excel in everything in life because I know that taller people generally have better chances of getting the girls, higher paying jobs and general respect in society. I graduated at the top of my class and have received tons of scholarships to go to med school. I have competed in wrestling and mixed martial art matches and dominated huge guys that were 6 foot 2 and over. And, I just ignore all the girls who say they want a taller man because my success has truly made me taller in the eyes of soo many attractive women, tall ones included. Tall people are really respectful of me now and know not to mess around with me physically too!

Don't worry short guys. being short is a blessing in disguise!!!!!?
goood job! you had a goal and you have achieved it! maybe you'll inspire other short people!
Reply:i'm quite content to sit in the darkness and watch people and then strike. and i'm average height.
Reply:uh, ok? Are you just trying to make yourself feel better or something? b/c last time i checked.. your supposed to ask questions here... not be a motivational speaker.

Sounds like you have serious self esteem issues- andTHATS probably what the girls dont like.
Reply:Fair enough, I'm convinced now, when I was in the 2nd-8th grade, I was shorter and younger than nearly everyone in the class, but I never let that get to me, I was also smarter than most of them too, I got poked fun at but I didn't care much. I had intelligence and that's all that really mattered.
Reply:So your saying that taller people just get things handed to them... What the !@#$ is that about. That is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. I'm 6 ft. 2 in. And i've worked for everything that i've earned. In the real world everyone works for everything they get, tall or short, fat or skinny. I agree with the one comment before. Are you trying to make yourself feel better??? Your short... BIG DEAL! Get over it.

Gonna get jumped at school need help?

First of all, Im fiffteen been in brazilian jujitsu since I was 4

brown belt judo

jujitsu 11 years 2 years karate 5 years akido , I've tried to talk to a teacher there aware of the situation

there's only so much they can do

if they do pounce of far should i take it I confident I can handle it I'm just gonna stay away as much as i can

but I have 5 classes with them they can follow me this is a small town school not that much security

I'm afraid I'm useing my martial art for the wrong reason

just help need tips on how far should i go K,O or hurting them where they can't hurt me any more

Gonna get jumped at school need help?
Ok, don't use your training and let yourself get stomped....

Seriously, what you're going to have to do is pound one into the ground and everything will be fine after that. Predators won't bother with prey that'll get him busted up. What makes me a little wary of your story is that anyone who has trained in martial arts should know that you ARE SUPPOSED TO USE YOUR SKILLS TO DEFEND YOURSELF. You've done it 11 years and don't know that? I'm calling BS on that.

When you're in a fight, the rules are simple: hit your opponent, repeat as necessary until they stop moving. The gates to Heaven is standing room only with guys who tried to fight nicely. You either kill or get killed, no being nice and fair.
Reply:Umm, you should probably tell the principal n your parents. Or just not go or something.
Reply:If they attack you, you have every right to defend yourself. Once they see your moves, they will probably back the hell away and leave you alone. Do not go for a KO or anything serious, just enough to make them not want to fight you again.
Reply:You do whatever you have to do to keep yourself from receiving any harm.

Me, personally, I would be so angry that I would continue to the point of hurting them as badly as I could.
Reply:martial art was disighned 4 this stuff k and give them a couple kicks 4 me k tell them that if they were reall people they woulnt do this sorta crap around anywhere and plus they are totaly imature good luck-+
Reply:man do what you have to do if you have told your teachers already then it will just be used in SELF DEFENSE. GOOD LUCK I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM except I dont know karate or nithing
Reply:Look the best defense is a good offense. Disable only...don't go for a K.O. You need to make yourself visible to everyone at all times. Stay in public places and make sure you have friends around who can support the story in case the cops are called in. That way claiming self defense won't be a problem. The others will get charged for assault and not you, but that does not mean that the parents can't take your family to court for a civil lawsuit...of course they wouldn't have a leg to stand on since their kids were the aggressors.

Good luck...stay in big groups, make sure all the teachers and counselors know.
Reply:I dont think you should fight at school. Hab ethem meet you off campus so you dont get suspended, let them throw the first punch and then let loose on the. At the begining of the fight, mention that you are a master of martial arts. I know you shouldnt use it for the wrong reason, but mayb eyou will get some respect from them and they will treat you better or at least leave you alone!! Good luck! : )
Reply:You should go as far as you feel you need to, to impress on these people that you WILL NOT TAKE their crap. If they do not already know about your skills, warn them. Then let them make the first is likely that they are bluffing, and are actually afraid of you.

But if earning their respect involves a broken bone, so be warned them!
Reply:i think u should just hurt then enuff to get the message across cuz sumtimes with ko they dont come back if u dont get them up fast enuff...dont want to go to jail for murder do u?
Reply:wow thats a lot of martial arts. i used to be in tae kwon do. anyways if they attack you u should use it cuase its in self defense its not like you started it. i wouldnt go very far just far enought to teach them that they shouldnt mess with you and that u rnt afraid of them. dont forget the 3 hit rule they have to hit u 3 times before u can hit them back in self defense since ur trained in the martial arts. other wise its only like 2 or sumthing i dont remember i havnt been in fights since i started tkd
Reply:in self defence,you can use your karate but you cannot go out and beat some one up with it,then its a criminal offence.
Reply:well i think u should defend ur self but ur right thats not the way u should use ur art but if it comes to that then go for it but dont hurt them too bad but allways let them hit u first then fight back so u can say i was defending myself! =)

hoped i helped
Reply:being a black belt 2nd degree myself..your right...martial arts is for self defense only!!!

you are aware of what they want to do, so just as you are aware of using your martial arts for the wrong reason, you should inform a school official and your parents to try to prevent it.

i went thru my entire high school years with not a soul knowing of my abilities...till i was jumped by 4 guys walking home not 2 blocks from the school...needless to say, they were hurt, but then everyone knew of my abilities. that was even worse. there is always someone better in that ability, and then there are the ones who want to TRY to prove to you that they are better and they are not.

avoid the confrontation as much as possible, this action does NOT make you scared, weak or less of a person or anything shows that you are a better person, no matter what others may say or think, when in doubt talk to your instructor of what is going on and the best way to handle it.

but, if they jump you, by all means, hurt them, just try to make sure others see you so they wont backtrack and say that you started it. better yet, try to get the idiots to come to your house, not like they dont know where you live already, let them throw the first punch, kick butt and takes names later, then when the law comes ..hey officer..they came to my yard, i was just defending myself..../evil grin

good luck

Reply:Dam Karate Kid I'm wondering why these kids want to fight you in the first place. What are you doing? You've already gone to the teachers and if there not helping you then what are your other options. If a fight happens do what you have to do to defend yourself. Try not to put them in the hospital but at least prove to them you can hold your own if nothing else. If you don't want to fight then try talking to them. Talk in there terms. Maybe instead of practicing Jujitsu so much, take some of that time and try learning better ways of communicating with people. Best of luck whatever way you choose!

Remember "the best way to avoid a punch is not to be there"

How much is too much?

My cousin has always been playing a bunch of sports. From the time he was 5 he has been involved in some sport most of the year. It started with some martial arts, baseball, basketball, and some soccer. Over time he's faded out of the martial arts and soccer while starting up football. He's in 8th grade right now and currently doing two baseball leagues, football camp and a basketball league. He's a tremendous athlete; ran a 6:40 mile in 5th grade, among top two in league for all sports, will be 3 sport star in high-school. I'm not real worried about him since he somehow keeps up with school and socializes plenty even with his crazy schedule. I just want to know how many of you have gone through this and how quickly you got burned out.

How much is too much?
Damn, that's a lot for a kid. It seems like he handles it well though. By the time he gets to college he should probably settle into one sport, but until then it isn't entirely abnormal to play a bunch. It's crazy to be playing 3 at one time though. From what I can tell, I don't think he'll have too much trouble dealing with it.
Reply:Everything has a limit in this world and it is for good, more than a limit is no good for his health. Healthy activity should be played in healthy way because "health is wealth."

office table

Would colleges like me? Do I seem to be too much/not enough of something?

I'm a sophomore in high school right now (girl) and I've been thinking about college alot. I did varsity cross-country last year, jv this year, varsity track and field, and I do jv wrestling. I'm heading for IB, I had a 4.6 this year and I have all A's right now...Alg 2/Trig, AP World (like the top of my class) PIB Chem...I have a blackbelt in martial arts, been doing that for five years. I'm in the red cross club at school, active in that. Started a club also, thats going good. I'm also in Sea Scouts (just joined), that should definitely work out for leadership, I don't like doing ASB at school.

Would colleges like me? Do I seem to be too much/not enough of something?
All of those things are good. Apply to the colleges you are interested in and let that institue decide if you are what they are looking for. If you are accepted, great. If not, then you are not what that particular school is looking for. Are you looking for acceptance into a college as a student or are you looking to be liked as a person? Maybe you meant to ask " What are some of the requirements that colleges are looking for and do you think I meet them." Or maybe im wrong. Either way good luck and continue to do well in school
Reply:What exactly are you looking for here? Are you just looking for people to pat you on the back and tell you how wonderful you are? Whatever.

Apply to colleges.... lots of them. That's the BEST way to find out if they like you or not.
Reply:I suggest that you apply to colleges and I'm sure they will tell you what you want to know!

PeaCe** = D

Guy mezger's lion's den dallas?

anyone hear or experience anything at this school? any feedback on his teaching methods and pricing at his school would be helpful. I've been really wanting to get back into martial arts! its been a while....

Guy mezger's lion's den dallas?
There's a silat school near you which teaches groundfighting, self-defense, etc..... I would be there in a flash except im about a 40 minute drive away.

If you don't know about silat, call them and go check out a class, you will be thankful you did!
Reply:lions den is a dinosaur. go to for lists of schools in your area

Give me some advie please?

Okay let me explain the first incident. This guy I guess all the girls like him and stuff had been picking on me for 3 years straight. I always attempted to tell a teacher. The teacher would do very little and everyone called me a rat . He continue to pick on me calling me fat ugly and other cruel names. I not once said anything back to him. Now I guess since im don’t really appear to be strong im just people punching bag. But since I was a kid Id been taking Martial arts and boxing. So the guy teased me the other day and I made up my mind I was no longer going to take this. So I soon as he did his daily routine and said something about me I immediately attacked him I through punch after punch at him. Grabbed his legs picked him up and slammed him. And begin punching him in his nose then in his eye. Some how his nose broke and he had scars all around his face. When they security guards tried to restrain me they put me in a headlock knowing martial arts I immdedialty escaped. And persisted on attacking him I was thinking about all the time she embarresed me and ever said anything toward me. And I punch him some more and some more till the security guards finally restrained me. I was brought to the office and all the girls that liked him were saying things like you got serious anger management problems what did he ever do to you he was just joking. And the imedialy ran over to him brought him tissue and band aids to ooze his words. Will all the staff of the school were saying things like I have serious anger problems and im some crazy person who needs counseling. So we both were suspended and the guy didn’t pick on me anymore. But he still picked on some other people who were just like me. Who said nothing to nobody and just minded their own business.

Now the second incident that led up to people thinking im some crazy person. Well these girls have their little clique . they have the worst attitured in the whole entire school. And one of the girls in it I was minding my own business and she punched me in my shoulder. I went to go tell a teacher but another girl in their little group who had been teasing me for some time said something about my breath and teeth. I picked up the first thing I saw which was a math book and through it at her hiting her in her face. I was taking to the office suspended now they have put me in anger management classes and tomorrow is my first day. I don’t understand this I don’t have anger management problems people have been picking on me teasing me for the past years making my junior high school days a living hell. And im the one who needs anger management problems. No you need to put them in how to treat people right classes. I never once bullied anyone never teased anyone. Most of the times they have talked about me I have ignore them. So finnaly I decied ive had enough and you put me in a anger management class. Anger management is for crazy people and im not crazy. All my life I had to struggle and fight and that’s made me strong its made me who I am. I get straight A`s in school and do all my work. I try to tell the teacher when someone is bothering me but they don’t listen. What else should I do ?

Give me some advie please?
Good for you. Never let anyone push you around. Go ahead and take the anger management course, that's not a problem.

I do not think anyone will ever pick on you in your class again. If they do, just look at them in the eye and ask them very seriously:

"You don't want a whole anger management course to go to waste now, do you?"
Reply:Attend the anger management classes. They will be educational if nothing else. They are not for crazy people and don't worry about those picking on you. You do need to channel your anger in a more positive way though. A mathbook to the face is hardly necessary for someone TALKING about your breath or teeth. That does call for anger management in my opinion. You'd be fighting a lot of people throughout your life if you did that to everyone who said something mean about you.
Reply:Anger management classes are not for crazy people - they are for people who have trouble managing their anger - which is a LOT of otherwise normal people. I can't tell from your post if you are paranoid from being picked on, or picked on because you are paranoid.

However, no one should be bullied at school.

Talk to your principal or guidance counselors about bringing Challenge Day to your school:
Reply:Wow. First of all, congrats for doing that. That person deserved it. That was too crazy. I don't think your crazy at all. Everyone has there breaking point. As long as you know that you are not insane, then you good. I would've done the same thing as you did. I admire you for that.
Reply:O BOY

life does suck I have been in similar situations-no one believed me either.


If I understand you correctly you did throw the first punch

This was not good no matter how much of a jerk he is

you did resist the authorities (NEVER A GOOD IDEA)

Have you kept a list (or try to make one of the times that you have been bullie and tryed to get help)Names places what was said etc.

I think you need legal advice each state /province

is different


contact as many people as you can, from people who are tying to stop bulling and women's groups-the jerk shouldn't be bothering you

all the best
Reply:Unfortunately it's one of the playground rules that you don't rat on people, but it's tough not being popular. (It's also tough being popular, but I doubt it's half as depressing).

Just act like you're not crazy in anger management. You can say that you knew if you caused a real scene, people would stop bullying you for a while, and it worked, so everyone should just be glad you didn't start shooting the place up.

It would probably be better in future to learn to make people feel as small as they made you feel using words, or to moderately harm people fairly often. I think you've done quite a lot of damage now though, after battering a girl most people should think you're too psycho to mess.

I'm probably wrong, but apart from beating the girl, I'm impressed, I think you've dealt with it suitably.
Reply:I don't think you have anger management problems either. You had been tormented for a very long time and anyone can only endure so much before they snap. You are only human. I don't think for a minute that you are crazy. Be the bigger person and go to the classes with grace. Be totally honest with the anger managment instructor as you have here. I know you are not looking for sympathy but they have been trained to see the situation clearly.

God Bless!
Reply:Dude, I think you need some good friends, who is in your favour. Instead of fighting alone, make a group. As you told some other people are also frustrated, take them into your side. Try to make a big group. Because in big group no body will dare to mess with you.

And then make a plan, whoever mess with you how to tackle with them. and try to be tackle thing smartly rather than being wild.

Being a good person is not enough you have to be smart.

Also do meditation at your home, which will keep you calm and relax.

And keep faith in god, some time the situation would be tough but never do such a thing that you have to rue on your action.

And last thing don't change your nature, for others. Keep smiling.

birthday flowers