Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gonna get jumped at school need help?

First of all, Im fiffteen been in brazilian jujitsu since I was 4

brown belt judo

jujitsu 11 years 2 years karate 5 years akido , I've tried to talk to a teacher there aware of the situation

there's only so much they can do

if they do pounce of far should i take it I confident I can handle it I'm just gonna stay away as much as i can

but I have 5 classes with them they can follow me this is a small town school not that much security

I'm afraid I'm useing my martial art for the wrong reason

just help need tips on how far should i go K,O or hurting them where they can't hurt me any more

Gonna get jumped at school need help?
Ok, don't use your training and let yourself get stomped....

Seriously, what you're going to have to do is pound one into the ground and everything will be fine after that. Predators won't bother with prey that'll get him busted up. What makes me a little wary of your story is that anyone who has trained in martial arts should know that you ARE SUPPOSED TO USE YOUR SKILLS TO DEFEND YOURSELF. You've done it 11 years and don't know that? I'm calling BS on that.

When you're in a fight, the rules are simple: hit your opponent, repeat as necessary until they stop moving. The gates to Heaven is standing room only with guys who tried to fight nicely. You either kill or get killed, no being nice and fair.
Reply:Umm, you should probably tell the principal n your parents. Or just not go or something.
Reply:If they attack you, you have every right to defend yourself. Once they see your moves, they will probably back the hell away and leave you alone. Do not go for a KO or anything serious, just enough to make them not want to fight you again.
Reply:You do whatever you have to do to keep yourself from receiving any harm.

Me, personally, I would be so angry that I would continue to the point of hurting them as badly as I could.
Reply:martial art was disighned 4 this stuff k and give them a couple kicks 4 me k tell them that if they were reall people they woulnt do this sorta crap around anywhere and plus they are totaly imature good luck-+
Reply:man do what you have to do if you have told your teachers already then it will just be used in SELF DEFENSE. GOOD LUCK I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM except I dont know karate or nithing
Reply:Look the best defense is a good offense. Disable only...don't go for a K.O. You need to make yourself visible to everyone at all times. Stay in public places and make sure you have friends around who can support the story in case the cops are called in. That way claiming self defense won't be a problem. The others will get charged for assault and not you, but that does not mean that the parents can't take your family to court for a civil lawsuit...of course they wouldn't have a leg to stand on since their kids were the aggressors.

Good luck...stay in big groups, make sure all the teachers and counselors know.
Reply:I dont think you should fight at school. Hab ethem meet you off campus so you dont get suspended, let them throw the first punch and then let loose on the. At the begining of the fight, mention that you are a master of martial arts. I know you shouldnt use it for the wrong reason, but mayb eyou will get some respect from them and they will treat you better or at least leave you alone!! Good luck! : )
Reply:You should go as far as you feel you need to, to impress on these people that you WILL NOT TAKE their crap. If they do not already know about your skills, warn them. Then let them make the first is likely that they are bluffing, and are actually afraid of you.

But if earning their respect involves a broken bone, so be warned them!
Reply:i think u should just hurt then enuff to get the message across cuz sumtimes with ko they dont come back if u dont get them up fast enuff...dont want to go to jail for murder do u?
Reply:wow thats a lot of martial arts. i used to be in tae kwon do. anyways if they attack you u should use it cuase its in self defense its not like you started it. i wouldnt go very far just far enought to teach them that they shouldnt mess with you and that u rnt afraid of them. dont forget the 3 hit rule they have to hit u 3 times before u can hit them back in self defense since ur trained in the martial arts. other wise its only like 2 or sumthing i dont remember i havnt been in fights since i started tkd
Reply:in self defence,you can use your karate but you cannot go out and beat some one up with it,then its a criminal offence.
Reply:well i think u should defend ur self but ur right thats not the way u should use ur art but if it comes to that then go for it but dont hurt them too bad but allways let them hit u first then fight back so u can say i was defending myself! =)

hoped i helped
Reply:being a black belt 2nd degree myself..your right...martial arts is for self defense only!!!

you are aware of what they want to do, so just as you are aware of using your martial arts for the wrong reason, you should inform a school official and your parents to try to prevent it.

i went thru my entire high school years with not a soul knowing of my abilities...till i was jumped by 4 guys walking home not 2 blocks from the school...needless to say, they were hurt, but then everyone knew of my abilities. that was even worse. there is always someone better in that ability, and then there are the ones who want to TRY to prove to you that they are better and they are not.

avoid the confrontation as much as possible, this action does NOT make you scared, weak or less of a person or anything shows that you are a better person, no matter what others may say or think, when in doubt talk to your instructor of what is going on and the best way to handle it.

but, if they jump you, by all means, hurt them, just try to make sure others see you so they wont backtrack and say that you started it. better yet, try to get the idiots to come to your house, not like they dont know where you live already, let them throw the first punch, kick butt and takes names later, then when the law comes ..hey officer..they came to my yard, i was just defending myself..../evil grin

good luck

Reply:Dam Karate Kid I'm wondering why these kids want to fight you in the first place. What are you doing? You've already gone to the teachers and if there not helping you then what are your other options. If a fight happens do what you have to do to defend yourself. Try not to put them in the hospital but at least prove to them you can hold your own if nothing else. If you don't want to fight then try talking to them. Talk in there terms. Maybe instead of practicing Jujitsu so much, take some of that time and try learning better ways of communicating with people. Best of luck whatever way you choose!

Remember "the best way to avoid a punch is not to be there"

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