Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tired of being P.C. about my views. You'll either agree or think me an A**?

I've been responding and reading for several days. Without being P.C. Lose the EGO, belts are worthless. No one style is better than any other in the ARTS of Martial arts. They all do Kata and Tag, get over it. Hate me, send me crappy responses Blah, Blah, Blah. You want spirital enlightment get religion you want to defend yourself learn somthing besides Kata and Tag. I can't wait to hear you all hate me. Why won't schools still accept or put out challenges anymore (Gracies still do, there excluded then) you think you'd actually be able to fight with skills learned in normal dojo, and win against a real fighter. Bring on the hate mail. Bless all you who pay ever month to learn a kata or pay to play tag and win a plastic trophy. O.K. I'm better now. Thanks for reading my rant. I think its all out now. I'll be back to my normal kind, nice, P.C. self again. Be as mean as you like, It'll make me feel better. I really don't mean to cause a negative emotion just debate

Tired of being P.C. about my views. You'll either agree or think me an A**?
Good post, full of common sense. Of course those who train in MARTIAL arts without actually FIGHTING are going to have problems with what you say, but it's 100% true. If you practice this stuff to learn self defense, then you better be actually training with people who are fighting Otherwise, that false sense of security you're getting by doing choreographed techniques and playing tag will get you into a crap load of trouble if a real situation occurs.
Reply:you need to take a few bong hits and chill
Reply:I think your a little close minded but I really dont know enough about you to really hate you. All in all you seem to be a simplistic style martial artist which has its advantages and disadvantages
Reply:every one is entitled to their own opinion.

it is called: freedom of speech

"so rant all you want, just dont anybody get between me and the blood wine" (cpt sisko star trek deep space nine)

god bless
Reply:i disagree, but it's okay, opinions have to be different. could you imagine how boring life would be if we all agreed on everything?

please do keep in mind, these styles have been kept alive for thousands of years for a reason. it is the artist, not the art, that determines how successful the style really is.
Reply:Sorry I didn't know what P.C. mean until someone else told me.

Well all I can say is Patton once say "the dirtier you say it, the better people will remeber it" I believe he's right about that.
Reply:I do not know exactly what you are trying to say.

It is the courage and confidence that people are trying to achieve from training martial arts and not the name, trophies or fighting.

Skills are nothing. It is like walking -- a basic skill that everyone can do. Many people can walk across a rope bridge without any difficulty. However, dare you walk across a rope bridge which is 10,000 feet above ground or a rope bridge with hungry sharks underneath ? You have the skills but you may not have the courage to apply your skills.

With trained skills and body co-ordination, hopefully that Martial artists can gain the confidence. If you want to bully someone, just pick the weak one that you know for sure that you can beat him -- no need to learn martial arts. On the contrary, no matter how good you are, there will be someone better than you.

Martial arts are not for fighting -- learning how to shoot is more effective.
Reply:First of all, there is style stronger than the other, also the reason why it might be ok to say that all styles are not stronger than the other is because martial arts * styles * are limited by.....well....the style. And how this *style* is supose to be fighting and etc.

So if you practice * a style* your are automaticly limited by the *style*

Second, martial arts, depending on what you look for in martial arts and what style, can help with spirituality. If you practice styles like karate or tkd or something close to this, you can forget about the spirituality. But if you practice chinese gung fu, there might be a chance that spirituality will be involved. Espacially Bagua, Xin Yi, Tai Chi etc.

Third...Throw some D's on that b*tch!!!!!!!!
Reply:depends on the person

you have been promoted to the level of swashbuckler in the church of the flying spaghetti monser. You will have 3rd pick (after the pirates and pirate captains- the fsm's chosen, read the gospels) of the strippers that come out of the stripper factory in heaven.

There is no place in martial arts for P.C., especially not when someone can get hurt if they believe thier little kata work or "co-op" training is doing anything for them.

maybe the techs work, but if you don't learn how to apply them what good are they?

I might have the top top computer in the world but if I haven't learned to use it then all it is is just a big paperweight.

I'll never understand the mentality that people think they can learn to fight without fighting. Its like playing checkers to learn to play chess.

EDIT: I can still insult you, you dirty mouse felching pauly shore wanna be maggot if you want. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, I fart in your general direction you filthy enlgish knnnig-hiit.
Reply:dog turd through rose tinted glasses still smells like dog turd, so its good to get rid of the ridiculous rose tinted PC crap. truth is always harsh, and to coat it for easy swallowing never helps the person getting the advice.

do not go back, stay up front. you may lose friends (as if you need them if they cant handle reality), but you wont lose sight of reality.

of course, one mans truth is another mans lie. this may be because of our flawed interpretations, or just plainly the most obvious: they dont want to accept it.
Reply:accaualy i aggree with you belt,s are a wester invention to make the student feel some achevement \\\ as for enlightment that is in each persone if he or she want,s it \\ as for chalenges,s against school to school not in this country but i know of chalenge,s betwen outher school in the east that regulaery fight like cat,s and dog,s just for sh--_ %26amp; GIGGLE,S
Reply:1) You have no idea what you are talking about.

2) You need professional help.
Reply:I agree and disagree, how ever I must say I do kata because I like to. Who would ever use a flying side kick in a street fight, how about triple. I like to do these things for the physical and mental training. how ever I also do alot of sparring were there is ground fighting and such.
Reply:Next time, save your energy. Just type "I suck at traditional martial arts and I'm bitter." It will communicate the same thing.
Reply:she'll be right mate dont get your knickers in a knot.have a jd and relax.mate if you take notice of what most ppl write on here you'll end up insane,or is it to late? goes like this-90% of ppl here are brain dead morons that wouldn't knowshit from clay but think they know everything.10% are worth taking note of thier answers whether thier right or wrong.out of that 10% about2.5% actually know what there talking about and are generally pretty honest and dont sugarcoat thier answers or say what ppl want to hear.i havn't read your other questions or answers so i wont judge but going by this one id say your in the 90%.
Reply:blah, blah, blah, (Gracies still do, there excluded then) blah, blah, blah.

At least you made a good point. That much I completely agree with.

Glad you are better now.
Reply:I don't think you're an ***, and i don't think you're right. I do however, think you're an idiot.
Reply:You just suck. Kata, Kata, Kata. Belts are the best, if you don't have a black belt you suck. I could kick your butt. I'd throw a kata on you, you wouldn't know what to do. I'm serious dude, I'll take you on. Point, Point, Point dude I win.

Randy, the village people cop, is right dude.


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