Saturday, May 15, 2010

Adrenaline disorder?

this kid in my old high school has an adrenaline disorder. in this one fight 3 guys went to beat him and he beat the crap out of them. he doesnt work out much, hes only about 6'1" and skinny and he doesnt do martial arts but when he gets an adrenaline rush he gets super fast, strong and has insane reflexes. he does a shitloard of drugs but he wasnt on drugs when it happened, it happens whenever he gets an adrenaline rush. everyone says he has an adrenaline disorder and i was just wondering what it was called. thanks for reading

Adrenaline disorder?
Don't know of the medical name for it but it sounds like beserker. That's an actual condition and it seems to run in certain families, especially families of northern european heritage. I knew a guy like that, he went off on a pack of bullies with baseball bats. He took their bats away from them, broke the bats over his knee, and ran them all off with their tails between their legs. He was of celtic heritage.

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