Saturday, May 15, 2010

Should it be illegal to encourage your children to fight back?

Several parents have been charged across America recently for encouraging their children to stand up to bullies.

One case involved a father who's son was being picked on by a group of boys in the park. The father told his son to fight them back. When this boy opened up a can of whoop-a at his father's bequest, the father was charged.

The same thing have has happened when parents tell their kids to buck up to the bullies at school. "My dad told me to fight him," results in an arrest warrant for the dad.

Do you agree that these parents should be charged with a crime, or is this just part of teaching your children to defend themselves? Will martial arts and self defense instructors be next?

Should it be illegal to encourage your children to fight back?
It's part of the emasculation of the male in American society. You can bet your last dollar that no DA prosecuting this case will let someone like me sit on the jury. Unless the parent was the one hitting the kid, I'd find "not guilty" for the defendant.


The comments of ♥Megegie♥ could not be more incorrect. I found out growing up in Detroit that bullies want you to show fear. If you stand up to them, they leave you alone. I fought one bully 3 times and on the third time, I kicked his $$$. He (and the rest of the bullies) pretty much left me alone since they knew I'd fight back.
Reply:there is no crime here. this is riduculous
Reply:They shouldn't be arrested. More like warned. If someone is driven to fight, the motive should be looked at, and if the fault lies with someone else, there's a huge problem that needs to be resolved. By going after the parents they're not doing anything, and bullying will continue.
Reply:i have never heard of this. i have always told my kids to fight back. can you provide some links to this?
Reply:Illegal, no, discouraged, yes. Bullies WANT their victims to lash out. Parents need to teach their children to walk away and tell a grown up.
Reply:of course not this is what is called the feminizing of america where the men are afraid or prevented from being men and the wimpy women think they are men
Reply:they shouldnt be charged unless they help like that lady on the school bus.
Reply:NO WAY should they have been charged, the fathers were only looking out for their sons what is wrong with that, I hope the kid put the bully in the hospital
Reply:As long as the parents are teaching their children self defense %26amp; not being a bully themselves then no, I don't think it should be illegal. Every bully should have the crap beat out of them!
Reply:No child should have to be afraid to stand up to bullying, and no parent should be guilty of anything for teaching them not too.
Reply:This is a joke. one needs to defend one's self.
Reply:No, the right to self defense should NEVER to abridged.
Reply:this is the HEIGHT of LIBERAL ignorance! why was nothing done about the kids beating on the father's son??? kids are also to blame with that no ratting CRAP. if we encourage kids to defend themselves we'd have less violence among kids and they'ed have better self esteem instead of being made to live in FEAR because LIBERAL FEMINAZIS can't make the distinction between violence and self defense. that father should sue the POLICE and the SCHOOL for allowing this gang of bullies to operate. bullies deserve ONLY a bat across the knees and to be charged as ADULTS. PERIOD. bullies are NOT victims!
Reply:It should be mandatory your kids learn to fight.

I've told all my son's the first punch they're hit with walk away. If it happens again, knock that punk to the ground

No wonder theres so many gays, good lord
Reply:What does your government teach you to do.

America is a violent country, and teaching kids to start young would be expected

(But I did advise my grandson, "one good punch to the face will end all your bully problems")
Reply:that's so freaking stupid. Teaching kids to stand up for themselves and not get beat up is NOT a crime. It SHOULD be a crime to let your children stand there and get beat up. It's not like we're teaching kids to go around beating people up, it's self defense. This is total crap. I am a 14 year old girl and have gotten into plenty of fights. My dad said it was fine to stand up for yourself, your siblings, or your friends. I did every time. My dad never got in trouble. I intend on teaching my kids to do the same. Wow, the world is just becoming one big breeding grund for idiots.
Reply:This is mere liberalism at it's finest. Children being indoctrinated by the liberal education system to be pushovers and targets, rather than defending themselves...
Reply:I mean it is wrong to fight back but teaching your kids self defense is a good thing since well kids are kids. so i hope parents aren't being charged with a crime why you ask?

because why should your children be scared of some bullies? they are the worst people in school making fun of others for their own enjoyment and their parents should get their *** beat.

Then again I would never say fight him as a parent because there are other ways to deal with problems most the time. so yeah it shouldnt be illegal to encourage your kids to fight back..
Reply:This is crazy, why aren't the parents of the bullies charged?

I taught my 2 sons to stand up for themselves, why because it builds self-confidence and when a boy grows up you want him to be a man, not a quizzling.

This country has gone to hell, you can't spank your kids and now you can't teach them to defend themselves, I don't think so.
Reply:I had not heard of those cases. I tell my kids if they get hit to defend themselves. They are never to hit first. I am not going to let them be punching bags for anyone.

It this is happening at school then the kid is to get an adult at the school involved. That I do know, but my kids have always said if they tell then they will just get picked on more for being a tattle tale. that I agree with, so I told them to have someone else tell for them and they will get called into the office anyway. But the parents should not get punished for a child defending them self.
Reply:NO, It is your obligation, to teach them to defend and protect them selves from bully

Self defense is an very important part of our life.

The Lord helps those, that defends themselves

I taught my kids how to shoot straight before they joined the Army, they got high reward's for marksmanship
Reply:This depends on the method of fighting being taught.

If your child is a pupil in any of the martial arts, then he should not be allowed to use same in fighting those not trained, other than that, go for it.

If our government can take our kids and teach them how to kill innocent civilians in illegal wars, then it should be alright to defend ones self in normal fights, with no weapons.

Standing up for your rights is normal.
Reply:Self defense all the way. Who wants to let thier child become a sheeple. You should march on to the court house and protest against those cops and prosecutor.
Reply:No it should be a crime to NOT teach your kids to fight back. As such if I am ever on a jury against a parent who told their kid to fight back at the very least they will get a hung jury.
Reply:No. I don't think the parents should be charged with a crime.

If we can suspend reality for a moment here; what SHOULD happen is that the parents of the bullying children should be charged with negligence. We should also figure out some law against "raising rotten children".

Also, the children who were bullying the other kid should be publicly embarrassed. If this happened in school, they should be forced to write an essay entitled "How I got my A*S*S* handed to me", and they should have to describe their repeated bullying, and how the other kid stood up for himself, and trounced them. The other kid should get to correct the essay, making sure none of the facts get left out, and then the bullying kid should have to stand up and read it in front of the whole school.

All of this would take place as soon as possible after the avenging incident, to insure that all cuts, scrapes and bruises are still visible- for maximum educational effect of course.
Reply:I have a six year old daughter and I have always told her that if kids at school bother or bully her, she is to tell the teacher. If the teacher does nothing, she is to tell the teacher that if the kids keep bothering her, she has a right to defend herself if she needs to. I don't encourage her to fight but I do encourage her to protect herself if need be. I would stand by her all the way and frankly don't know why the teachers or staff allow this to happen, they should be supervising the kids. But no the parents should not be arrested if it is put to the children where they are being told to protect themselves. not just to open up a can of whoop ~*ss. or beat the kid back. wording needs to be clarified.
Reply:The entire judicial system seems to be geared so as to protect the criminals in just that way anymore. I guess the law would be proud of a bunch of spineless wimps who whenever in any tight spots in life yell help, help! I personally feel that punishing those who care enough to fight back is way wrong and I will protect myself accordingly and go to jail if I must to stand upon this which I do feel strongly is wrong to the individual. Learning to be lame and let someone else fight your battles for you doesn't prove anything more than that the law is attempting to rule over us in areas best left to us to fight for ourselves. I just know that giving in to the bullies is something that goes harshly against my grain. I have taught my children to stand up for what they believe in at all times and I intend to do so as well! So take me to jail! Sentence me heavily! I will not budge with my feelings on this point!
Reply:Hell no! What's the matter with people these days? Kids are being turned into PU$$IES!!. This is Liberalism at its worst!!! Those fathers who taught their kids to fight back should be AWARDED not arrested!!

If my kid got a black eye but he managaed to stomped the kid who did it, I would be shedding tears of joy and my heart would be swolen with pride!
Reply:Well hopefully my son has the talent that I had, which is being able to psychologically tear down the bully and make him humiliate him/herself.

I will teach him that if someone swings at you, you have the right to swing back, as a matter of fact you should swing back until the other guy isn't moving. This is what makes it "self-defense" and legal.

What probably happened to that kid is that he was being picked on verbally and responded physically. I don't think that warrants arresting the father, I think kids should have to take responsibility for their OWN actions.

This is why martial artists teach self discipline and the art of knowing when it is the appropriate time to fight. Some kid getting all emotional and beating the crap out of someone because someone called him a fatty is NOT self defense.

I wouldn't worry to much. Teach your kids to kick a$$.
Reply:Yes, it should be illegal to encourage your child to fight back. I cant think of a time when walking away is not a better option.

plants flowers

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