Monday, November 16, 2009

Best DVD Camcorder for the buck?

Hello. I am looking for a great DVD Camcorder. I need this so I can record Martial Arts Demos Tournaments, and Instructional Videos for our school. I would like to stay in the $600 but if it really makes a difference I could go to 800. But anymore than that Is just impossible. It needs to have a good zoom, detail, and be able to catch VERY fast movement. I know... these guys move faster than most cameras can catch... but maybe the digital world has something to offer me that my old 8mm cant. I dont care about size... USB would be nice... but im not picky. If it has a DVD i dont need a usb port... Full size dvd preferred.


Best DVD Camcorder for the buck?
Full size DVD camera is going to cost way more than 800. You need to go with a mini-dvd format.(8cm vs 12cm) Hitachi made the first one, they gots several models that will get you what you're looking for. Check out the DZ-GX3300

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