Monday, November 16, 2009

What if game...?

ok. suppose you are a guy.

you are rich, hot, you go to a prestigeous boarding school with famous people, your a smart alec, slightly smart, MVP football/basketball jock....

would you ever go for a really smart, pretty cute, middle class girl who plays golf, lacrosse, martial arts, but goes to a really hard public school, who's also a complete smart alec.... btw she's a year and a half younger, and really shoert (5 foot)...

please tell me the truth....just wondering...

What if game...?
You guys are both athletic, and it sounds like you have fun joking around together. I think he would like you. The only way to know is to try. The worst that can happen is you guys would remain friends.
Reply:yeah if there's a good connection between them
Reply:99% not. if u re poor and short go for rich ugly guy, or dumb or short. if this guy is absolutely perfect he will find a perfect girl (which u, with your short height and no money are obviously not). and another clue - guys don't like smart alec girls. u re not supposed to be a dumb tree either, just wise - wise people don't show they re smarter than anybody

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