Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do I deal with people trying to beat me up?

I am only interested in your answer if you are or have been a martial arts/boxing/mma instructor.

I own a martial arts school. We have a MMA program. We spar every other week. In the past two years about 20 people have come in and wanted to "Spar" me on sparring nights. Most come in with a small crowd and a slight attitude. Only two have gotten the best of me.

I really like to spar and I teach six days a week so it is hard for me to go to other schools to train. How should I handle this?

Should I:

Keep sparring people that come in?

Charge them money and then spar them?

Try to arrange another place to spar them?

Make them sign up for classes and come for a month before they can spar?

Only spar at other places with a different instructor over seeing it?

Other ideas? Be as detailed as you would like.

For the record, I like to spar full contact because I enjoy it, not for my ego. I want everyone to walk out of my school healthy and ready to train the next day

How do I deal with people trying to beat me up?
Classes should be open only to those who are enrolled and have paid the appropriate fees, so they should be part of the class before you allow them to spar.

Also, sparring partners should be chosen from similar ability levels.

Anyone walking into a dojo that insists on sparring with the sensei should be asked to leave.

I am assuming that your school is not simply to cater to the desires of egotistical individuals that are trying to prove their machismo and anyone that walks into your school for no reason other than to fight the instructor is doing just that.

If, however, someone that is genuinely at the same level of ability as you are wishes to challenge you, it should be done with and impartial referee who is sufficiently competent to judge the match and should not be done on demand.
Reply:Punch them in the nuts and run Forrest run!!! If it's a girl, LOL!!!
Reply:u being a teacher your self shouldnt u no the answer? i mean no disrespect but i dont believe a word you said.....
Reply:for your business, you should first tell them to sign up for classes, then after you have finished teaching them then you can spar with them.
Reply:Lloyd B got it right.
Reply:Can't say I beleive what you are saying.

You are opening yourself up to a really bad lawsuit.

First don't just go araound sparring full contact with anyone who walks in. Thast is just plain stupid.

Second don't even think a liability waiver is going to get you off in a lawsuit.

so what should you do?

1. don't open your doors to full contact sparring to everyone.

2. in a business you need some type of compensation. i.e. money to pay for the insurance (assuming you have it) cause if you don't you been hit one time too hard.

3. let someone else take the liability for injury if doing full contact.

4. if they walk in and want to spar sign up classes and let them spar each other.

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