Monday, November 16, 2009

CHISTIANS AND PASTORS-I have a question about MODESTY...I am 15?

Please for strong, God fearing and loving Christians only!

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am a strong believer, I have been a Christian almost my whole life. I am a born-again Penecostal and I love my Lord, Jesus with all of my heart. I am an overacheiver, and I do very well with school and martial arts and I am great with people.

I have thought (and am praying for God's direction on where he wants me to go..) about pursuing a career in Fitness, and am considering becoming a fitness model or a personal trainer. I am very athletic, a martial artist. On the whole I am very modest, my swim suit is long board shorts (cute, they come a few inches before my knee) and a swim tank top. I dress modestly and even though I know I could, I don't flaunt what I have. I never wear shorts.

But, in a fitness career, do you think modesty is in the same degree? Is it wrong to wear a top that shows my 6 pack? What about shorts? I really don't know. I mean, I am praying about it, but I..

CHISTIANS AND PASTORS-I have a question about MODESTY...I am 15?
I think that you should always dress modestly. Being a fitness director and working out everyday can be hard to wear clothes that cover you well without completely dying! I think that you really should wear a t-shirt or loose tanktop with reasonable straps. Nothing too tight. I think shorts are fine, just keep the length reasonable. I think that God is fine with whatever you wear, as long as you aren't trying to attract any men in a bad way. It would be a good idea to look into training women. There are probably many women that want a trainer and need help getting fit. Also, then you wouldn't have to worry so much about what you wear. Most of all though, just stay comfortable and keep your sweet atitude, its great. I wish you the best in your future. God bless!
Reply:Personally I think you will have a problem remaining modest in such a career. That is just my opinion but I am a Catholic not a Pentecostal and their opinion could be different. I do believe in modest feminine attire.

Peace Be With You,

Reply:Well, I'm no pastor's wife, but I think that you can still be modest while pursuing a fitness career. I think that in some instances, it might be okay to wear shorts, but as for a top that shows of your six-pack...I think you'd be better off with tank top that didn't show your stomach.
Reply:Most of the fitness people I have met so far are in it to show's very competitive. It will be difficult to maintain a good degree of modesty and humility as a Christian should and still be in that field. Perhaps you should think about teaching young is a rare thing to see a modest person in fitness. One of my professors was a young Christian woman, who dressed very modestly, but she was not a show off. She taught the science of fitness for one of my teacher education classes.
Reply:i think you should cover yourself as much as possible

yet retain some clothing flexability to do your exercises...

i also suggest that you go into womens training and exercise

that way your not presenting an inmodest dress in front of men.

if you look back to before the 1960's there were women that

were able to do exercises and keep fit and yet far more modest

in thier dress than you or i....

sweat pants and a t-shirt i deem modest yet good for exercise.

keep the faith...
Reply:Models do not have the luxury of modesty. If modesty is your goal, you will need to consider another career, one in which you are valued more than just for the beauty of your body.
Reply:If it causes a brother to stumble, you are sinning.

Lets see what the Word has to say;

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; I Timothy 2:9

The world is full of lust, no need to add fuel to the fire.

Hope this helped.
Reply:I would say keep praying and so long as your skin is covered it should be ok.I would not go for half shirts as most all men consider them to be sexy.It might send the wrong message.Surely you can remain covered but wear something a bit form fitting to show of your healthy body.Thats what I would strive for healthy image not super hot although Im sure you could be if you wanted. Im not a pastors wife but I was raised to dress modestly. I love God too.
Reply:I pray God will give you His wisdom to know what to do in this case. One thing I will say though is that Christ sets us free from any rules. Rejoice in that fact.

God bless.
Reply:If you go with/without your upbringing- however, there are some good women that could make a strong christian man stumble, if you know what I mean. you be you.
Reply:if we cause a brother to fall,and we are that stumbling block because of wearing tight, sensual type of clothing ,the bible says it were better if that person had never been born.Do you really think the HUMBLE Lord,wants you flaunting around dressed like that .Take in consideration what apostle paul wrote when he said physical fittness should not be all that important ,but exercising the mind and heart for the service of the Lord is profitable
Reply:I'm not telling you to go against your beliefs, I am also a christian, but this IS the 21st century, showing your 6 pack doesn't mean you don't believe in god. Just because you show a little skin doesn't mean you will burn in hell, God loves us no matter what, and isn't this about believing in god? I never heard of the bible saying that you have to completely cover your body up(maybe it says that, IDK) But you CAN show a little skin and still be modest, you just have to know how. You can't let this get in the way of your dreams, you love god, you believe in him , isn't that all that matters?

hope I helped,

Reply:Dont compare yourself to what is in the past nor what is in the people look at you. Since God is watching, ask God if he approves of what you wear. Since you are born-again...the Holy Spirit lives within you. The bible says we have freedom in Christ, which means we have the freedom to live by his spirit. So do that. Listen to what your heart tells you. If you feel uncomfortable in what you wear, then you probably should make some changes. However, covering your body because you think God would not the wrong approach. It's not what WE THINK, it's what GOD THINKS....

God Bless.
Reply:i think its OK I'm studding to be a fashion designer and not all the clothes i design are extremely modest.i just use wisdom and my conscience (spelling?) and i ask the lord and if its all right i go with it. so just use your discernment .ok :)
Reply:I"m curious how you workout without wearing shorts. . . .

Look at how you phrased a question. "Is it wrong to wear a top that shows my 6 pack?" You didn't ask about how to dress to run a race, or for working out, but for "showing."

Pretty much answers your own question, doesn't it?

Dress as though the pastor will be standing next to you, and you'll probably always feel good about how you're dressed.


(And I am a pastor, reading this instead of working on my sermon.)
Reply:I to am Pentecostal.

I always use this thought when deciding on what to wear...."I don't wear anything out of church, that I would not wear in the church."

Modesty is modesty, there is no in between. You cannot straddle the fence when it comes to God.

Sometimes there are things we have to sacrifice when serving God, no matter how bad it hurts.

There are many who have given up lucrative and successful careers to be a servent of God. I being one of them.

God wants us to be a certain way, we must please Him first.

The career you are pursuing is not one of modesty, period.

Showing off your body is not modesty, so do not let the devil try and make it seem this way.

I urge you to pray harder about this and ask God to show you the truth in the matter.

I believe you know what's right, it is just putting self aside to do it.

God the same, yesterday, today and forever.

Just because this is the 21st century and "the world" says it's ok to so something, does not mean God feels that way. He does not change.

God Bless.
Reply:Well, I have asked my wife in these matters, and she tells me that there's nothing wrong with you wearing shorts, but not your stomach, we are here to attract attention to Jesus and not ourselves, also, you are only 15, you must therefore be well aware what your parents have to say about it, have you asked your parents? and if so, what was their answer? what ever they said, it has to be so, once you are a grown woman of God, let the Lord lead you, but as for now, you are under your parents responsabilities. You have talents, you can express those talents without compromising your modesty, God has given you wisdom, think of something that would please Him, after all, He's your biggest fan. GBU, in your future.
Reply:Why would god give you the ability to develop your body to a degree that's quite attractive and then demand you hide it?

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