Saturday, November 14, 2009

I am missing a really great freind of mine what can I do to tell her?

I was in Arizona and that when I first met her. I was enrolled in her martial arts school. And that was in 1996 and my parents were divorcing at the time. And I am now turning 23years old. And I am in contact with her. But I am a little scared to tell her that what she has done has helped me. And that I really look up to her. She was there when I was dealing with the girl to woman change. She was there to basically be a mom to me.

What can I do to tell her how much I looked up to her and I still look up to her to this day. I really do miss her.

I am missing a really great freind of mine what can I do to tell her?
What a beautiful meaningful relationship you had with her. Trust me, she got as much out of the friendship as you did. Write her a letter..and thank her for all she did to help you during that hard part of your life. She will respond and be grateful to you for your feelings. this may up start that relationship again to some degree.. Good for you that you had someone to help...♥ ♥

Never ever be afraid to say "thank you"!
Reply:talk to her.
Reply:tell her

if you have trouble saying it then e-mail her or send a card or somting ya know

but yu must tell her

things like that are important!

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