Monday, November 16, 2009

Can most asians fight?

Hello, i was just wondering which asian race put more energy into martial arts. This 100 pound asian girl at my school got into a fight, and nearly put this girl in the hospital. I was stocked! Do most asians know marital arts or something ? Or is it the older generations? DO they teach that in their public school in China?

Can most asians fight?
I am indian and can fight with any woman. I beat up many women in school and college and slap them if they misbehave. I hate it coz a few hate me or are rather scared of me. But this is for the nasty ones and am otherwise nice and sweet.

I can fight and a real fight is what I mean. ♥
Reply:I'm asian. is she an exchange student? i remeber they tought us how to fight in school.
Reply:No, this is putting a lable on people. Its like saying all Black people are lazy, all Polish are stupid and all Itallians are in the mob. Lables and none of them are true or warrant any further thought as they can seem racist. (Please note that I used these racist examples for the purpose of stateing a point they do not reflect my personal beliefs)
Reply:Yes, just about any person, under the right circumstances, can punch, kick, or fire a gun. That includes Asians who make up at least half the world's population.

Also, thanks to shadows for the "no stereotypes" comment. I'm polish, and the top math student in my school.

Check out

Not all but some of those people aint no wimps
Reply:omg holysh!t that is fcking cool

shes only a 100 pounds that gives me hope im asian and 100 pounds

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