Monday, November 16, 2009

Which are the best schools that teach Ninjitsu in Japan or US??

Ninjitsu--- The Japanese Ninja style of fighting (Martial Arts)!!

Which are the best schools that teach Ninjitsu in Japan or US??
The Art is not dead. Direct lineage is still alive and well. There are several practioners in the U.S. and in Japan. Here are a few links for you.

In Japan --

Soke Masaaki Hatsumi --

In the U.S.

Stephen K. Hayes --

Here is a list for the rest of the world --
Reply:Neither. It's a dead art. Hatassumi Masaaki is the last person who know a such art and he will take all knowledge with him to the grave. The rest who studies under him simply studies Samurai hands to hands combat.
Reply:As nine demon said.... but Japan over America for traditional Asian martial arts any day.

sorry... but to Brian below me.... it is dead.... and the last known person to have the ACTUAL knowlage... not made up make money american cracp will take it with him to his grave.
Reply:In Japan - You should go and train with Soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

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