Monday, November 16, 2009

Would you like a girl who is...?

I had a friend, she is really cute physically and personality too, very smart, funny, has a sweet tooth and very cheerful and kind hearted too...but the thing is guys feel intimidated by her because she's top in school, really good in martial arts and very hyperactive. As a friend I'm quite worried because of this she's scaring the guys away...should I advise her to tone down a bit?

Would you like a girl who is...?
If she asks your advice, give it. If not, she is probably just fine.
Reply:Let her be her. How dare you try to change her.
Reply:she just needs a guy that's good enough for her and confident about himself..dont worry..she's just scaring away the bad ones XP
Reply:It's the boys loss. She's your friend and happy with who she is. Enjoy her for who she is!
Reply:Nah, dont worry much about her. Focus on yourself. There are always someone better than her and can fit with her lifestyle.
Reply:um, this is a tough one...just give it time, i used to do that(scare the guys away) now there after me! i hate it!, but maybe she wont.
Reply:Nah you shouldnt.. let her be herself and she will eventually find the perfect guy who won't feel intimidated and such.
Reply:she not read for them when she want to do it the her time will come dont push noone to something
Reply:no wayyyy! look seriously..ur friend maybe sacring away guys but teh rite guy will over coem taht and get to know hera nd liek her....

why whoudl she change for a guy? then she'll never be happi shell have sumone...but...u kno...shes not her...if she has to change for the guy...then does teh guy really liek HER? or who shes pretending to be? so0o let her be her..i know its gonna be lonely for U oo0ops i mean "her" but if u wanna not be ur self then thats fine...but dont you wnat a guy that likes u..for u..taht u can tell everthing to? i knwo it seems leik everyone has someone...but...hun u dont jsut want anyone...u want THEE one so0o hang in there!
Reply:If I knew her, I wouldnt be intimdated, I like smart girls, and the fact that they can kick my *** sometimes, is cool to. And the fact she's samrt, funny, has a sweet tooth, and is cheerful and kind-hearted, gets me to like a girl(im 17 if ur curious). What kind of guys go to your schools? Jerks, cowards, etc?
Reply:maybe you should let your best friend to be her self.if she had a problem with guys you should tell her to search good guys as friends

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