Saturday, November 14, 2009

Man i am falling like hell again...?

hey am 22, i met this girl in my martial arts school months ago and i so much want to take her out, you know all this smiling when she see me, and joking around. i feel comfortable around her and i think she likes me too+ she is so georgous i think she is the best looking girl in any martial arts school you could ever seen (2 me). how should i ask her out without getting embarrassed at front of my friends in the school?. answers from girls is a + thank you.

Man i am falling like hell again...?
Just ask her out like you would a friend. You know - hey, do you want to go get a bite to eat. Or I'm checking out ____ movie this weekend. Want to join me.

Best wishes!
Reply:if she is smiling at you, then I think she would like you to ask her out. When I like a guy, all I do is smile at them and wait for them to make a move....

Just ask her when no one is paying any attention, or pretend like you need to tell her something about martial arts and then ask her out.
Reply:Sorry for the non girl input, but....why don't you start with some in-school (during a break or when time allows) chit chat with her with the conversation subtly steered towards subject matter that would make it natural for you to invite her to try a certain food, a favorite cafe, a local site that has symbolic meaning to martial arts, a college or university martial arts exhibition, 'something' to bring you and her together socially outside and away from the school.

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