Monday, November 16, 2009

Can I get into Oxford or Cambridge?

I go to a public high school and am in lots of extra-curriculars. Namely I am:

Editor in chief of the school paper AND literary magazine

I write for local news sources

i have won awards for my writing

and active member of the school radio station

a part time teacher at hebrew school

I have 2 blackbelts in martial arts (tae kwondo and kempo karate)

I am close to fluent in English, Latin, Spanish, Hebrew, and Lithuanian

I have a gpa just over 4.0, and i'm in the tope 10% of my class, but i am not in the top 20 kids (i don't think)

I play viola and violin in my spare time

I plan to study philosophy and eventually become a lawyer.

How hard is oxford and cambridge to get into compared to American Schools (like Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Penn?) Is it easier for an American? Thanks!

Can I get into Oxford or Cambridge?
You will most likely be offered a place if you apply, with a condition of getting certain grades.

Hope that helps,

Simon H

P.S: Shouldn't you study law?

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