Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who thinks that martial arts should be taught in the public school systems.?

I think that we should teach all our children at least some form of self defence. most other countries do it, some countries wonder why others don't. For some, it's a case of nat'l pride! Even most of the animal Kingdom teaches their young to fight. It would advance the health effort to no end too. I feel it's a travisty to let our children out our doors each day without a clue as to how to defend themselves.Think of it! Every day in the news a child is abducted, and that's just the ones they decide to report. take for example carly brusha all saw the survelance tape. A classic martial arts scenario. Even if she knew some of the most basic of tecniques she could be alive today!!! Kids taken into public bathrooms, yea right!!! We should develope an American martial arts system with the M/A philosophy and all. But before I work out the bugs I want to know how you feel about the subject. I'm going to blog my ideas on my 360 page all input will be welcome.

Who thinks that martial arts should be taught in the public school systems.?
I think that it should be taught in public school systems, only because I'm a martial artist for the past seven years and have actually done a demonstration in a public school and it was a major hit. The kids would come up to me and ask if there were going to be any more demonstrations or even if I was going to teach more at the school. And I had to tell them with a broken heart that I could only do it once...because in about a month I moved to a different state. Teaching kids the BASICS of any martial arts (I would prefer it to be Tae Kwon Do only because that's my bread and butter but that's just me) could actually help build self-esteem and build better individual...I greatly disagree with CryCAli because just because we don't see here in America kids in China disrespecting their elders doesn't mean it's not happening...And no matter how bad CNN or Fox News makes out rapes, killings, burgleries, or vandalism, does not mean we are divided! Once 911 hit, we came together to fight in a single cause...the only reason we fight with each other is because we love drama, but once something big happens we're like, "WONDER TWIN RINGS ACTIVATE!" We'll fight to the bitter end...but let me digress and go back to the question...I think the martial arts would be a great way for our kids today to teach each other respect and dignity
Reply:I agree with you. Our kids should have at least basic knowledge of how to defend themselves, at least. I think it should be part of their school training, but since it is not, I have taken it upon myself to put them in self-defense classes myself.
Reply:I agree my boys were taking it in school until the Master had Back surgery...Now I can't afford to send them to a k. school.
Reply:I disagree.... These counries you speak of that has fighting implimented in their schools, has been doing this for years, some from the very beginning.......America hasn't. America is practically the only country that has a substaintial amount of violence within it's boarders for NO REASON!!! Any other country that has any killings going on within it's boarders are doing it for political reasons or war....over the years we have had the highest number of rapes, killings, beatings, gang related crimes, race related crimes, and horrible crimes committed against our women and children. Don't get me wrong, every country has their dirt, but ours outrank theirs by far.... these other countries you speak of, their children are taught with strict dicipline, parents in America go to jail for spanking their child. In these other countries do you see these kids cursing and disrespecting their elders??? No you don't, why??? Because their entire society attempt to function as a unit, Americans are divided. We kill eachother over our color, our ethnicity, and our status. We have no respect for eachother what so ever. How can a country founded and built by hate and cruelty ever have a sound united society??? I see your point, but all that would do is create more unnesscesary violence. You have to think of the kids that are out here raising themselves, growing up in violent areas, the ones that have horrible parents, and the ones that are already violent. As a parent, I take it upon MYSELF to raise my child the way I thnk he should go, and teach him self defense with strict dicipline. I agree that our children should learn self defense through Martial Arts, but implementing them in our public school systems is a bad idea. My son already has to fight his way through school without using martial arts and he's only 5! Lets not make it worse for our kids!
Reply:They teach self defense at most schools. But martial arts? Some students could use it for the wrong reason.
Reply:I so agree with you girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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