Thursday, November 12, 2009

I know someone there is gonna help me learn martial arts?

in my country i don't think there is a school for martial arts and i want to become one of them please can some one be my mentor

I know someone there is gonna help me learn martial arts?
Sorry, it sounds like you want something for free. You aren't going to get it so wake up. Get a job, make some money and pay for classes like everyone else.
Reply:how old are you i might be able to help im a 2nd dan black belt in karate
Reply:We can't help you if you don't tell us more detail, e.g. which country you live in and which sort of martial art you wish to learn.
Reply:Uh.... OK, then.

First, you need to tell us a bit more.... like, what country do you live in???? And second, how do you expect someone from Yahoo Answers to mentor you??

There are a lot of martial arts schools in Europe, the Americas, and certainly in Asia... so I'm not sure if you actually LOOKED for the schools in your area or just went straight to Yahoo Answers.
Reply:Forgive me if I sound a bit skeptical...

Martial arts are everywhere!

Since Taekwon-Do and Judo are Olympic sports with Taiji and Wushu under consideration, I would imagine that you can find someplace to learn a martial art in every country that has Olympic competitors.

Sounds to me as if you want to learn martial arts FOR FREE...

Some martial arts, such as Judo and other grappling styles, are impossible to learn without a partner.

Find a qualified and certified teacher --

You get what you pay for!



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