Thursday, November 12, 2009

Martial Arts!!!!!!?

do u think an 11 yr. old girl should take martial arts becuz there is a month left until school and i was wondering if its a good time to start

Martial Arts!!!!!!?
I started when I was 6! It was helpful in self-defence classes in high school, and has come in handy later in life (problems out for the night with friends, etc).

I think every female should know some sort of self-defence, and that my parents did the right thing encouraging me to follow my choice (it was this or ballet, guess I was the tom-boy of the family as my sister chose ballet).

So, I say yes - there is no problem with her doing martial arts at this age - my girls will start around the age I was, if it's what they want to do.
Reply:why not, it's a really good workout. Not very girly though, but a good workout :-)
Reply:it would be a great hobby and teach her discipline
Reply:yeup... sound good.
Reply:I beleive the sooner you can start the better. I have my 5 year old daughter enrolled already! A good site for you to check is the National Woman's Martial Arts Association:
Reply:It's worth at least giving a shot. There's no harm in starting young.
Reply:Anytime is a good time to start. The younger the better. Wish you good luck.
Reply:Any age is the right age. If you have a good heart and want self discipline, this is the one. Train and humble yourself. Once you know you can kick someone's a**, you won't have a need to prove yourself. Worked for me.
Reply:Yes, but only if you're willing to put in the hard work necessary to become a good martial artist.
Reply:Yes and no

If your going to enroll the 11 year old in class make sure she is going to put forth the effort and dedication for the classes or you are going to waste your money. Make sure she can handle the homework and still be able to take classes as well. allot of times the school work will suffer for a beginning student.Make sure to keep an eye on their grades.In the long run Martial Arts will help their concentration and focus and improve their grades but it takes hard work to get their.
Reply:I have two children in Martial Arts...a girl aged 9 has been in it for three years and a boy aged 7 has been in it for about 2 years. They go twice a week, even during school months. It has helped them tremendously with respect for others and themselves, as well as being good for the development of their bodies and minds.

I highly reccomend it...but be sure you find a good school %26amp; instructor. If you feel ill at ease with any part of it, discuss it with the head instructor or Master.
Reply:sure. With the boosts in disclline %26amp; self-esteem It'll do wonders

Just realise that you won't be good right away. It takes years of practice to be effective. If you start now and stick with it then you should earn a black belt when your about 14-15. Then you will know the basics well enough to start working on the really cool (harder) stuff.

Go look at different schools. A good school will give you a free class to see if you like it. Don't go to a club that makes you sign up for a year or more, or one that makes you buy their patches to put on your gi (uniform). It should cost between $60 - $80 a month for Karate and a bit more for Tae-Kwon-Do.

Have Fun!!!

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